Root Aphids, who has had them?

I sprayed with the Monterey this morning still had a few gnats when I went to check right before lights out. On a good note this day time gardening schedule is way better I get way more time in my garden with the lights on during the day before all my energy has been spent.

So far the cann cantrol every two days seems to do the best at killing the gnats. But I’m Kinda afraid it will clog the roots eventually if I keep spraying with a oil base spray.
You need to find out exactly what type of bug you are dealing with, or you'll never get rid of them. I found an entomologist who works as an IPM specialist in a large cannabis facility. You send her a couple dead fliers and she will give you a positive ID, and a regimen to kill them for $200. DM me if you want her contact info.
You need to find out exactly what type of bug you are dealing with, or you'll never get rid of them. I found an entomologist who works as an IPM specialist in a large cannabis facility. You send her a couple dead fliers and she will give you a positive ID, and a regimen to kill them for $200. DM me if you want her contact info.

I don't need to spend $200 to identify a Fungus Gnat.:D
nematodes work well vs. gnats.
also order them from amazon, small pack is below 10 bucks delivered.
15C is optimal storage temp, i would worry more in summer.

I just got some, the pack says to keep them in the fridge. I will be dosing the plants with them in the morning, just before the lights go out.

How big are root aphids I found one fairly large bug crawling in my room, looks likes bugs I see outside sometimes not sure it’s a weed pest. It was larger than a lady bug are they that big? It was similar color to pictures I’ve seen.

I’ve dug and dug in the pots of plants that seem sick just to find nothing but fungus gnats. I can clearly see that their wings lay flat when at rest. So I guess that means fungus gnats.

You need to find out exactly what type of bug you are dealing with, or you'll never get rid of them. I found an entomologist who works as an IPM specialist in a large cannabis facility. You send her a couple dead fliers and she will give you a positive ID, and a regimen to kill them for $200. DM me if you want her contact info.
Wouldn’t mind finding a person who could identify the bugs. I wonder if just an ID of bug is cheaper? I can figure out the treatment.

As far as fungus gnats as long as I hit the top of my pots with cann control every two days they don’t have time to develop new flyers. Seems to be working well hardly seeing any most days.
There are several different sizes and types of RA. There is a huge thread on icmag pertaining to them. The first post on the thread shows pictures of a few different types. Maybe you can use that to help identify what you're dealing with. I hope it's fungus gnats and not root aphids. Good luck to you.
their are 5 instars to a root aphids life

the first 2 are very small

the last 3 can develop wings if they need to find new enviroments, they are hearding insects meanign they group together and eat and migrate to new roots.

you will see the larger 4th and 5th instars looking like mature beetles , still small though.

they can be brown, red , black, white... but they are all in the family of root dwelling aphids that using piercing sucking habit of eating.

i would use a desiccate insecticidal soap to clean everything, like M-pede, then use a drench or sprench to contact kill them at the root zone, pyganic 5.0 or a spinosade BV product. If you use Pyganic make sure to wash it out and that its has a very low amount of petroleum distillate in it, or you will kill your plants(do not use MAXX)

you can then inoculate your media with enthrpogenic/bacteria fungus like PRF 97 or grandevo.

all of these insecticides have different modes of action and you need to alternate them every 3-5 days to beat their reprodcutive cycle.

aphids will react to your treatments they will try to hide and migrate.

Do applications sytemically so that they cant migrate as you open doors and go into new areas.

Aphids can give birth to already pregnant young ready to give birth instantly after, these are prolific pest. dont slack on applications , once you have them under control(this is the most likely scenario) you will need to continue some treatments.... Grandevo and PFR 97 both have secondary modes of action and are OMRI, and so is M-pede(which acts as both a desiccant and a cleaner and repellant and is also plant and roots safe)