Root aphids


Well-Known Member
Man at first I thought they were fungus gnats but then while trying to identify gnats I come across a side by side picture of a gnat and a winged root aphid. And now I'm more confused if this is a root aphid. I managed to picture a dead one.

Can anyone confirm my suspicions and what can I do to treat them?

They have not yet reached my tent only house plants, but I know it's just a matter of time.


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If it's an aphid you should see 2 exhaust pipes stickin out the ass end.Hard to determine any thing from the pic.Are your plants doing ok?
If it's an aphid you should see 2 exhaust pipes stickin out the ass end.Hard to determine any thing from the pic.Are your plants doing ok?

They are only affecting downstairs house plants so far and they are all thriving. My tent is upstairs but I know they are going to get there.
I'm not sure but it does look like i can make out one of the little exhaust pipes on the ass end in your pic.Another thing to look for is the wings.Aphid wings will be about the same length or shorter than the body.Fungus gnats have wings that are longer then their body.

I've only encountered root aphids once yrs ago and the beat my ass.Had to toss everthing and start over.Most guys say they have had success with pyrethrin products.

Check your root zone closely.
Keep an eye on the undersides of your leaves; regardless of “root” aphid designations, in my experience aphids will always end up in your leaves and up your stems no matter where you see them first.....little yellow/brown/white/green bastards will be crawling everywhere eventually...before long your leaves get yellow, kinda looks like PH issues with dying brown spots, until it gets bad! I highly recommend a soap, alcohol and oil based product called “Green Cleaner” that will knock those critters down, before you try disgusting, systemic, stinky chemicals like Neem or otherwise. And no, I am not affiliated with the company.....
If you have aphids Take your plants out if your tent/room to outside, blast them all over with cold water, especially leaves and stems, then spray them and the soil with the mixed Green Cleaner...if you have aphids that may be enough to clear them out. Your ladies will be pissed for a few days but recover nicely. Good luck.
And if you decide to use any of the systemics recommended here, make sure you are in veg and do everything possible to clear the chemicals before flower....personally I’d rather start over than use systemic, Monsanto-manufactured crap or Chrysanthemum oil.
And if you decide to use any of the systemics recommended here, make sure you are in veg and do everything possible to clear the chemicals before flower....personally I’d rather start over than use systemic, Monsanto-manufactured crap or Chrysanthemum oil.

They are only in week 2
Green Cleaner did nadda for me.

I'd suggest getting a positive ID on what you have before throwing the kitchen sink at them.

And i do second the notion of if you're in flower not to use some of the product that have shown success in getting rid of them as they can be pretty nasty.Kinda defeats the purpose of growing your own ensuring you have clean smoke.
I don't see any aphids crawling anywhere these are all flying making me even more confused. Some look like gnats, some look like flying aphids


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I'm not sure but it does look like i can make out one of the little exhaust pipes on the ass end in your pic.Another thing to look for is the wings.Aphid wings will be about the same length or shorter than the body.Fungus gnats have wings that are longer then their body.

I've only encountered root aphids once yrs ago and the beat my ass.Had to toss everthing and start over.Most guys say they have had success with pyrethrin products.

Check your root zone closely.
Permethrin 36% as a root drench, should take around 2 treatments 3 days apart and 4 to be sure, 30 to 60 cc/gallon.

If I don't know what flyer I have I begin with a root drench of Spinosad 30cc/gallon 3 days apart for 3-4 times. If that doesn't work I move to Permethrin.

Good luck killing them before they hit your grow. Now would be a good time to filter your tent's intake if you can and positive pressure in the tent.
I’ve used what ever the local garden center has that is made for veggies up to harvest on them in the past and they were easy enough to o get rid of.