Oh jesus, you had to fight those fuckers too? They SUCK! After beating fungus gnats, spider mites, and root aphids, I thought I could beat anything. Especially since everyone said root aphids were unkillable and I beat them. Well... I was WRONG! The russets survived rosemary oil, cinnamon oil, peppermint oil, neem oil, 71% rubbing alcohol, gassing with CO2 (put the plants in buckets, burned alcohol in them so there was no oxygen, left them overnight in the dark like that), etc. I almost killed the plants with the alcohol and still, the russet mites came back. They make spider mites look like a complete joke. I had to kill everything (Blueberry, Jack Herer, Purple People Eater, Chocolope, GX, and Sour Diesel - OUCH!), I'm just getting started again after leaving my room empty for the last 4 months to give any lingering eggs time to hatch and die. I kept the room nice and toasty for the first month with a humidifer going full blast, hoping that would encourage them to hatch. I'm about to scrub everything down a second time and have a go at it... got some cuts of Pre-98 Bubba Kush so I'm real excited to be back in the game. Prayin' there's no zerg waiting to hatch and fuck everything up, again...
For those who haven't had them, I got the russets from a clone... buyer beware, that's where everyone gets them... most vendors won't tell you about things like this, so you should know and TRUST your clone source. Some think they had it beat - russets can go a month or two without showing signs if the room is cool, but trust me... they always come back. Ugh.
Things to look for on clones for those in the audience... little orange specks on the leaves, they're little lines, very tiny, smaller than spider mites, they don't appear to move... when you look at them with a microscope they look like little maggots, sooner or later they crawl around... before the damage becomes really obvious like in the photos below, the growth nodes put on a spurt of really, really fast growth...
In the first photo you can see what I mean, they look like little orange specks, you can see them all over the stem and the leaf... they attack the freshest most supple growth first, and tend to hang out on the tops of the leaves, all unlike spider mites. It almost looks like the leaves are rusting... in fact at first I thought it was a fungal attack.
Once you find them on one plant, you can be sure they've made it to the rest of your garden... it can be weeks or months before they show themselves... namely, if you keep on truckin' you'll find them in flower... DISASTER... I was lucky they showed themselves in veg so I never saw them on a flowering plant.