Root Aphids

for regular mites, i give a HUGE thumbs up to No Spider Mites. it's cheap, organic and does the job ASAP ... you can see the results right after spraying. I had a cola covered in webs, sprayed the top .... scoped em and they were already dead or dying
Awesome info EC, I am looking foreword to watching those mites die horrible deaths (assuming it works on Russet mites too)! I watched a cool documentary on Netflix called "Vanishing of the Bees" which discussed the colony collapse disorder. I recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I love bees. I wish I could have my own colony.
I enjoyed meeting you, sadly I won't be able to make it out for the festivities...oh yea thx for the gooey!! Whenever you're ready for some new babies let me know
I call bullshit on their claim it will eradicate russet mites. Think, man - what happens if they say "no, it doesn't work"? They lose out on business. If they BS you, you'll be pissed in the end but they'll make a bunch of money. The scientific literature says that russet mites cannot be eradicated by ANY means, including chemical pesticides. They said the solution was to burn the crop.

I'm very sorry to have to say this but you should kill all your plants *immediately* and start scrubbing every surface in the entire grow room with soapy water and bleach. I dealt with a russet infestation last fall and I wish I'd just done this right away instead of wasting my time (and money on the energy bill). Literally everything needs to be cleaned. Old pots, stakes, soil, etc. need to be thrown out. Eggs remain on seeds so you can't use those, and they remain on the buds too after being dried so don't handle your plants after breaking up bud.

You should read my earlier posts in this thread - I explain what a scam organic pesticides are. They are just essential oils and soapy water. It costs me about 10 cents to mix a bottle of something equivalent to SNS-217 which goes for 40 bucks a bottle. You are being suckered into paying 20 bucks a pound for some soapy water. Supposedly all that's in "No Spider Mites" is a couple drops of citronella oil and soapy water. You're paying more per gram for that oil than you would for street heroin.