Root Bag?


Active Member
I have not seen anything about this posted, and searching did not come up with anything, and I am wondering if it would work, or is completely senseless. Because of lack of experience, space, time, and location, I am planning a DWC setup to start with. Root mass is something I considered, but did not plan too much on. In thinking of my design, and after seeing some pics of monster root masses, I had to reconsider some things.

Here is my idea..

Root bags? After a certain root growth, putting them in a water/air permeable bag. I was thinking nylon, or a similar durable fabric. I would imagine with small enough weave, you would still get some root growth through, but it would be much more controllable.??.. Normally I would say grow and forget about root mass, but I have plans for some pumps, and sensors that I can imagine would not be too thrilled about being overgrown with roots.

Right now it's just an idea, perhaps lack of experience keeps me from seeing the correct pros/cons of this. So I am asking for your wisdom, and experience.



Well-Known Member
you're describing smartpots! it is basically foam pots, when the roots grow to the foam the are air trimmed which forces more root growt and the roots don't just wrap around the outer edge of the pot.


Active Member
Interesting... Sort of.. But for a Hydro DWC setup.. Something to contain the root masses, yet allow for good growth, and water/air circulation.


Active Member
man what the fuck im still waiting on the same answer bro my roots are all inside my shit grown together and nearly halfway through my damn water pumps im gona try stalkings next time because its wayyyy to fucking late for that now!!!! I need to put shit around my water pumps now because the damn things will find their way into anything no shit! my roots are the size of a damn volly ball!!