Root bound or just under watered ?


Active Member
Blueberry growing in 5 gallon pots they’re growing nicely but 1 out of 4 has some leaf issues. Not sure if they are root bound ... don’t want to transplant from the 5 if I don’t have to since I’m 2 1/2 weeks into flower already.
Could it be root bound or just due to under watering ? (It was pretty dry since I wasn’t able to water for some time and looked a lot better also perked up after a nice water but tips of some leaves are curled down now)


go go kid

Well-Known Member
they shouldent be root bound at this stage, but when flowering, plants send out tiny fine hairs on there root system to gather more nutrients, id be concerned at any long time without water, as this may harm those tiny hair roots.
i ask about the nitrogen as too much can cause the leaves to start doing what there doing in your grow


Active Member
Ok so do y’all think they will be ok in the 5 gal pots no need to transplant ? They were transplanted into the 5 gal pots from beer cups beginning of grow. I still see them growing but am worried they may go root bound sometime throughout flower


Well-Known Member
Ok so do y’all think they will be ok in the 5 gal pots no need to transplant ? They were transplanted into the 5 gal pots from beer cups beginning of grow. I still see them growing but am worried they may go root bound sometime throughout flower
No way those are rootbound in 5 gal...ge5 your watering habits figured out, and cut back on nitrogen...that's what is causing the glossy dark green, drop tipped leaves.
Good luck.