Root Broke! Helpp lol

So I transplanted 10 of my plants and some of the roots fell off on 3 of them. Of course now a huge amount but it was the tap root and they are just one inch babies.
Will roots regrow if broken ? or is it not a definite answer
Any replys will be awesomeee


Well-Known Member
No idea man.. but I usually wait til plants are a few weeks old with roots poking out the bottom of their current medium.. then let the medium get real dry and transplant them so they soil doesn't weight so much and break off the roots..

additionally, I don't see why they should not survive. Are there any roots left? If so they should pull through but its growth may be stunted for a bit while it redevelops its root system agian. If anything you may benefit from treating them as a clone if they start wilting real bad


Active Member
I broke the tap root in half on a 3 inch seedling, got burned a little for a sec but now its recovered and doing fine. It's actually keeping up with the rest aside from the first set being slighty burnt at the tips. Replant and you should be ok, if you have mycos, overapply if shes worth saving.


Well-Known Member
Remove a balanced proportion of top leaves (preferably by fim). i.e. If you lost 30% of the roots, remove 30% of the leaves.