
Active Member
my issue regards bugs on my roots, and im trying to find out what the best solution is for this. im at my 13 day into flowering, and everything looked fine. i took out a dead plant this morning and saw the roots(PICTURE BELOW WITH THE BLUE CLOTH) covered in bugs.
all other pictures show these fuckers from hell. i have a cfl and a hp flowering room, and both are infected by these criters. theirs nothing on the leaves though, if their was i got them 3 days ago, and even burned my leaves. all my plants are shaggy now and some leaves are burnt i think from the vinegar and dishsoap i sprayed that day.:cuss:



Active Member

plants at their 11 day in flower healthy, and today is their 13 day and they look like that but some wilting others sad, what seems like nute defienciy and i think its all because the roots are not healthy and because of all these fucken bugs!!!!

the above pictures are o my plants in cfl flower room and others in the hps flower room, their all contaminated, and the water is murky and ppm went up from 1200 to 1300? does not make sence. my ph is at 7.2 on both sides- was thinking of bringing this down also.

now i bought some hydrogen peroxide, and some KILLS garden insects oil sparay for aphids, spider mites, scales, thrips..... and organic by Summit. i was thinking of spraying roots with this, then washing off with hydrogen peroxide adn then trimming off dead roots. and putting back into hydro setup and cross my fingers.

pictures with blue cloth are of the dead wilted plant. others show whats on, my camera doesnt have a macro so i cant get closeups.


New Member
easy, go to like lowe's and get some organic insect killing's in a bottle and you juss spray it on the roots, or soil, or whatever u got, and its safe to use on inside plants


Active Member
wow, they really dried up, i ended up pulling more than 1/2 out, worst thing is that i dont even think any thc got produced for hash making during the first 14 days of flower. the rest i hope recovere after the spraying of the roots with both oil spray and aphid killer sprays on the rotos along with removal of dead roots.