Root Bugs!!


Clearly im relatively new to this and the lack of pictures might prove to be a problem. However...

I currently am dealing with small black winged bug that seems to love the roots on my church which is currently in transition formula to prep it for flowering. I am growing in bubbleponics (which rocks!) an am looking for an organic way to "remove" these invited guests. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Clearly im relatively new to this and the lack of pictures might prove to be a problem. However...

I currently am dealing with small black winged bug that seems to love the roots on my church which is currently in transition formula to prep it for flowering. I am growing in bubbleponics (which rocks!) an am looking for an organic way to "remove" these invited guests. Thanks for the help.
i hate those fuckers they reproduse fast and spider mite always hang near them , i ment that when i get those tiny frute fly looking things i get mites too.:cry:


Active Member
Sounds like youve got a case of Flying Monkeys. I'd suggest you kill the wicked witch with a pale of water and then her minions will not bother you any more


Well-Known Member
I have use azatrol with great results. I have had success using 30 ml. per 20 gallon reservoir, and I have had no problems leaving it for a week or two in the reservoir. I believe that it is derived from neems oil and motabolizes very quickly within the plant, this may not be entirely true. The directions say to use it in two doses, but I have never needed more than one. It is certified organic, omri listed, and made with food grade ingredients. All I know is that it works on fungus gnats.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about the organic status of the product, but when I add SM-90 to my reservoir, the gnats run for their lives. It has a very pungent yet nice smell of cedar mixed with citronella oil. Those little fuggers must despise it because you will notice the difference in minutes. Before I broke down and paid 20 bucks a quart for it I was using mosquito dunks. Just wrap a piece of one in some cheesecloth and secure, before tossing it in the res or it will break down and make a mess.