Root Damage During Transplant


Hi ya guys/girls I got a liccle problem I transplanted my baby last night from veg soil to flower n accidentally ripped a handful of roots out when a clump of soil fell thru my fingers :( is it gonna cause my babe to die? The tap roots fine it was just the stringy roots I had just started flowering her but have put her back on a 18/6 rotation to help her here's a couple of pics . I'm not useing n e nutes complete organic grow just john innes no.2/3 n am still using warm cfls 2700k , should I put some daylights back on to help with growth? .n help much welcome :)



Active Member
should never try to flower and revert back to veg. thats how you get hermies. and they need food man. thats why they are so yellow. should transplant during veg into final pot. continue to veg for at least a week, then flower. they need food!!


Well-Known Member
Wont do it any good,those lateral roots are the most important as they feed the plant. Next time water the pot thoroughly , let it settle then repot it. Also the plant's starving ,if it lives start feeding it.


THX guys I will the very bottom leafs are like that cos I had mg diff a few weeks back n I was hoping to see if I could save them but obvs not lol I cut the rest of dead leafs off the light green colour only appeared after transplant up till then all. Other leafs were a healthy dark green. I got some tomato plant feed for if she recovers n I was only in flower for a few days so should b ok on that point . So Im I'm back on veg cycle but with warm white cfls not the datlights ill give it a few more days till I water unless u guys no other wise cheers farmers.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting is very over rated less is better I have it down to two
times 18oz cup to 1 gallon to 5 gallons. When transplanting water
and let drain then squeeze around the pot especially the bottom of
the pot while turning the pot upsides down shaking~

Brick Top

New Member
One thing that can be done if a large enough amount of roots have been lost to have a real effect on a plant or plants is, you remove some of the above-soil plant. You top or prune. In your case you pretty much are only left with one of those being a viable option. That's top.

But by getting a better balance between the surviving roots and the above-soil plant growth the plant or plants root system will be able to handle the lesser amount of above-soil plant and better be able to take care of the remainder of the plant or plants.

But that might not be needed if you did not lose as many roots as you might believe you did.


Well-Known Member
seems VERY nitrogen deficient. some root damage is common when transplanting, it happens, but you gotta be careful. i transplant from pot to pot often, do it when the soil is dry, so its less likely to break the root ball. i also enlist the help of my woman, cuz 4 hands are better than 2 (especially with bigger plants).


Well-Known Member
One thing that can be done if a large enough amount of roots have been lost to have a real effect on a plant or plants is, you remove some of the above-soil plant. You top or prune. In your case you pretty much are only left with one of those being a viable option. That's top.

But by getting a better balance between the surviving roots and the above-soil plant growth the plant or plants root system will be able to handle the lesser amount of above-soil plant and better be able to take care of the remainder of the plant or plants.

But that might not be needed if you did not lose as many roots as you might believe you did.
yea i agree with this, when my clones dont look well, i cut off the fan leaves completely and they perk right up. theres a balance between roots + plant above soil, if that balance isnt achieved, and its too off, the plant dies, might be a good time to top them, or atleast trim them a bit.


Ok I will do the bottom leafs were like I said damaged before by the mg diff so were on the way out n who so ill cut them off I no I made slit of mistakes but this was my first Eva grow j have learned a hell of a lot ova last 2 months I'm germinateing another seed right now just in case my babe dies ( probs will :( )


allow soil to completely dry out before transplanting. when you transplant prior to flowering make sure to give them a week or so in veg to overcome any stress from transplanting.
you do need some N. so heads up there.
In flowering you do need to feed her or you wont yield for shit. there are organic nutes that will match your style of growing.
Since you use CFL lighting, go EXTREMELY light on the nutes. the less light that you are using, the easier it is to bur plants.


Cheers Ganjarob but, I how can I get more N into me girl? My hydro shop got closed down due to a copious amount of plants in basement :)
The nearest one now is miles away :(
U do have a homebase, wilkos n b&Q near tho, will they stock n e thing ?
Cheers again .


Hi guys/gals here's a pic of mu girl now she's looking so much better:)
Thx for all the help ill keep u posted on the end product ;)

