Root Disease???

Well guys she looks to be doing better from whatever I was doing wrong. I raised the water levels after cycling the bucket. She’s been bouncing back great in these last two weeks. Has alot of new root growth and after some defoliation to ease stress she’s got some great leaf growth. I’ve been LSTing since day 1. So now hoping to have 3 main stems w others branches off of those. How’s she look to you all?
I see a hole in the top of your lid with no hose running through it. If it’s letting light into the water make sure it’s sealed off so it doesn’t allow algae to grow in the water. I’m not sure of your setup so it may just be the photo. It’s looking much better for sure. Good job so far
I see a hole in the top of your lid with no hose running through it. If it’s letting light into the water make sure it’s sealed off so it doesn’t allow algae to grow in the water. I’m not sure of your setup so it may just be the photo. It’s looking much better for sure. Good job so far
Yeah those are for tie downs but some are empty I will fill until I utilize them