root inspection... healthy?


RIU ... just did a res change was having ph drifting issus kept droping low. Roots didn't look to clean rinsed with water I sprayed off what seemed to be old roots... after that they didn't look bad. I let it run over night just water no nutes. Ph was just over 7 and over night no ph change.. water did look dirty cleaned that out...

Here's what the roots look like..

Do they look healthy, are thicker roots not good for the plant?



Well-Known Member
stained from nutrients. say I recognize that tote, got a lid up front?
Wheres the air? and the water level looks a little low from here.


Yea a flip up lid in the front water level is low for the sake of taking the pictures. Its usually kept to the bottom of the net pot... u can't see the air so much the roots are right over the air stone.. I will be upgrading my pump this week sometime to either 45l or 70lpm... right now its a small pump 7.8lpm


Well-Known Member
ah, I put together 3 of those totes with sprayers and water pumps. I found the lid didn't support a big plant so I built the plumbing to support the lid. maybe you aren't growing them as big.



Over all prtty good tote. What I did was screwed a peice of 1/2 across the top side where the lid hinge is. And that helped to suport the weight it was dipping pretty good with the lady in it right now... don't the sprayers clog up?


Well-Known Member
that's what the filter was for. not much clogging but I had to find the right sprayers.


Well-Known Member
I think they look good dbkick hit the nail on the head. From what I've read clogging isn't nearly as big of an issue as some might say.


Well-Known Member
Those big roots that the plant spent the energy to make are from the water level being low,H.R. said that.
I tried it now I keep my water up to the plant,some are way up on the net pot,but it works so good.
My .02.