Root nutes. Are they really necessary for 1212 S.O.G?

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I am putting together a zero veg perpetual sea of green. The point of this post is to hear both sides of the argument. Naturally I would say of course but then that complicates things abit because I plan to use a humidity dome to clone with as it seems easier and less susceptible to losing the whole batch if a pump or something failed. So I really have no space in which to veg nor do I really want to waste time on veg, but a tray loaded with 16 plants all at various stages of growth (remember this is perpetual sog) need diff nutes at different stages. All will need flowering nutes, so thats fine. I'm sure a Carbohydrate like bud candy would be fine for clones so thats all good. But plants in the eighth week or so of flowering don't need root nutrients, so my questions are would it be better to run no root nutes since they will be smaller plants and grow for less time or would it be better to run them all the way through (can't imagine the root nutrients would impart any taste onto the final product.

Also, does anybody know if a bloom booster would be to much for plants just starting to enter there first week of flowering? I'm contemplating running two tables now...hmm.