Root Rot?!? AK Auto DWC


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have something strange happening on my roots... Plant looks fine but i spoted something strange, i cant tell if root rot or somethink different. No smell at all.
im using GH flora 3 part + Bio Bloom from GH + Im using the GHE Subculture to pervent any slime or rot... maby i overdosage the subculture??
Water temp is 17oC-23oC, PPM is 700 and dropping 50 x day, PH stable 5.6-5.8. adding 1.5L fresh water evry day. Im using tap water but we have good water here, is about 120ppm max, at 6.8ph. This plant is Royal AK Auto @ 1st day 2nd week flowering.
subculture_ghe__copy1.jpgThis should help the roots...


Do u think i need any correction/fix or just wait and watch for any detoriation...?


Well-Known Member
Sorry maby the light are not the best to see, but in the red circles is a darker spot on the roots...


Well-Known Member
Maby i need some enzymes like Cannazym? I do not use any enzymes and i do not change water in ress. The subculture keep slimes and fungi away but think i need somekind of enzymes to remoove dead roots... The GH dont have any product to klean dead roots, instead they have a biofilter but i cant use it in this setup cos i designed to use it in main tank for RDWC but i have single bucket setup (DWC).
Im wondering if i can use Cannzym with my other GH products (flora 3 part series)...


New Member
It could be from a lack of oxygen, or some bad organisms in your water. I've been around a couple DWC grows. Everytime micros were used i noticed slime and/or root rot. your roots look relatively white and healthy thus far. I'm a fan of Al B Fuct, he used H202 for aeration and to combat root rot. Some say H202 harms plants, but IMO it doesnt do any more damage than root rot would. Al B says the only organic matter in your rez should be your roots. I tend to agree.


Well-Known Member
Those roots look fine dude. If you had any type of root issue it would cause pH issues right off the bat, and you would likely smell it.