root rot? mold?


I've been dealing with problems with my plants in my pots but also in my ponics system, I gently lifted each one up and noticed there is some white fuzzyness on the roots in spots and one rockwool a wet grayish whitish area where it was damp. My humidifier might have been a source of mold so I removed it. Based on the pics is that root rot or mold? The plants are small for 4 months and droopy, one has red stem and tiny roots. They were tranplanted from soil carefully, but soil could not all be removed before slapping rockwool around em.


Well-Known Member
The fuzzy lookin stuff on the tiny white roots is not stuff at all, it is microscopic roots hairs. I don't see any rot there, unless the black in the rock wool is mold. Is it some soil left from the transplant?

They are growing real slow. Possibly from the transplant from one grow medium to another.
Have you checked your ph at all? What is it?
Soil ph should hover right around 6.5, while hydro ph should be 5.5-5.8.
Ph issues will cause slow growth and dinky plants if not corrected.


Active Member
Ya the white hairs are really good, the more the better. What is your res temp at? keep it below 75 and you shouldnt get root rot


Well-Known Member
too ALL who look at this post that is not nice fine roots. That is White fuzzy mold, if you take a look at the rock wool you can see there is that white discoloring (MOLD). Plus if you had nice fine root growth it would be on the tips not the mature area and it will never be that big and fuzzy.