Root Rot? There's some kind of gunk...


Well-Known Member
Not looking too hot for one of the clones that I picked up. Although, the clone was completely purple and it looks like she has put on some decent growth for her prior condition. Would a simple res change in my bucket fix this, or should I do something to the roots as well?

Tons of aeration in the water, ph sitting at 5.7, and I'm using floraduo with calmag and ro water. Haven't exactly had this problem before.. especially with all the floaties, lol?

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Well-Known Member
You'll find plenty of information on how to alleviate the problem, but essentially a res change is a good idea. I've heard some people talk about a product called 'Hydroguard' that apparently works, but these are not a long term solution in my opinion.

If you think you've got plenty of aeration, add a bit more, and try to keep the res temps low by periodically adding frozen bottles of water.

I've done this for all of my grows and never had any issues with root rot whatsoever.