Root rot, what can I do about it?


New Member
Since I don't know how to help my plant anymore, I'm guessing it has root rot. What can I immediately do about it? BESIDES changing the environment, I know that. Should I just cut the rotting roots off? Can I cut the entire plant off and put a root hormone on it and put it into a new pot? What exactly can I do to cure my plant?

Since I can't get any more seeds, tossing the plant is no option. I'll have to save this one. Please help guys, I'd really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
How often were you watering? If the roots became to saturated they can rot. You have to allow for a dry period in the soil so oxygen can get to the roots. I always let my soil dry out pretty good before watering.


Well-Known Member
Take it out the pot and let it air dry for the whole day then repot when the soil is dry. It will slowly bounce back.


Wait isn't this the guy from the other post with the gnats....dude you don't have root rot but your plant looks like temps are bad feeding is bad and location is patient get some fixes for the gnats feed them properly and light then properly it's your only hope