Root Rot / Worms


Active Member
Have a pretty bad root rot problem in a DWC grow that I am treating with Peroxide. Pulling the net cups and dipping them in a gallon of water with one cup of peroxide for one minute and then rinsing them in clean water before replacing them in tubs with fresh water. But I also have worms in the roots, something I have not encountered before. The worms are also getting fewer but i don't know if its because I am rinsing them out or the peroxide is killing them. Thought about adding neem oil to the tub water to treat them, would that be wise? If not what can I get to get rid of them?
One other thing, when I first noticed the rot I pulled the top off the tubs and there were little white grayish flies on the sides of the tubs. Not very active was able to kill them with my thumb. Any ideal what these were?