Root structure question...


Active Member
I currently had one male that i needed to cut down so while i was at it i decided to take the plant out of the pot and see how the roots formed.

I noticed all the room mass was towards the bottom of the pot... Does this mean i am in need of bigger pots or am i watering wrong or is this totally common?

I also noticed one of my plants being DROOPY as hell like theres no tommorow. I did forget to water later night so i just watered and ill see how it goes.

Is the roots being all the way bottom of the pot normal or am i doing something wrong?
I have 5 week old plants in 6 inch pots. They are about 10 inches tall and lsted.
Watered very slightly every 24 hrs or so..Temp is high so soil drys fast.



you should probably repot them in a deeper pot because when the roots get cramed the growth of the plant slows down and can even stop.