RootBeer Bx2/R1/S1 any one?

I dont get people not allowing cut to get out to the public. Never been that type of person.

I get people want to protect investments and worried about losing out on money but thats whack to me.

If it is good medicine/flavor/effect then why wouldn't you want to share it with the world?

Reminds me of the kids in school with wealthy parents not letting us poor kids play with their toys.
Straight truth speak it...dude all those guys are just greedy. Thing is with all the great genetics available and how easy it is to f2, pretty good chances of us finding something great when breeding. Most of us just don't have the 4 million dollar marketing and social media budget.
Straight truth speak it...dude all those guys are just greedy. Thing is with all the great genetics available and how easy it is to f2, pretty good chances of us finding something great when breeding. Most of us just don't have the 4 million dollar marketing and social media budget.

I don't know, I see it from both sides. Consider the person who holds cuts to make money off of the exclusivity of the flower. Most of us here on the forums don't have a career in this industry, we just grow at home for ourselves/others. Sharing cuts and seeds and harvests is natural for us, since life has a very strong note of community and love to it.

But this mentality is different for somebody who's career, who's paycheck, is dependent upon their ability to move flower. If they gave away their cuts, their growing SOPs, their seeds, their product even, because they felt like helping and sharing, they'd go broke. The people aren't going to help him out enough in return for him to be able to keep doing that for a career, if you follow what I'm saying. So he'll not be able to have that career. Think about how china just copies and undercuts everything with slave labor and shit ethics, making it hard for original products in their native countries to flourish for very long. As long as somebody else can make a dollar on your work, they will, so it makes sense (for those with a career in this, anyway) to protect their financial interests.

And I don't think protecting financial interests is just blanketed greed. It makes sense. Your money is your house, your food, your car, your clothes, your family's well being. Yeah, if you own a multinational corporation and you'd rather not help starving kids in the countries in which your factories are running because it saves you that 1% razor thin profit margin, then that's greed. But somebody who stumbled upon an interesting cut or cross, and creates financial stability for themselves with it through hard work and exclusivity is fine by me tbh. Especially considering we all have that same potential. Why envy another who is no better than me? I can also make or find cool crosses and cuts. I'm over expecting other people behave according to what I want or how I feel.
I don't know, I see it from both sides. Consider the person who holds cuts to make money off of the exclusivity of the flower. Most of us here on the forums don't have a career in this industry, we just grow at home for ourselves/others. Sharing cuts and seeds and harvests is natural for us, since life has a very strong note of community and love to it.

But this mentality is different for somebody who's career, who's paycheck, is dependent upon their ability to move flower. If they gave away their cuts, their growing SOPs, their seeds, their product even, because they felt like helping and sharing, they'd go broke. The people aren't going to help him out enough in return for him to be able to keep doing that for a career, if you follow what I'm saying. So he'll not be able to have that career. Think about how china just copies and undercuts everything with slave labor and shit ethics, making it hard for original products in their native countries to flourish for very long. As long as somebody else can make a dollar on your work, they will, so it makes sense (for those with a career in this, anyway) to protect their financial interests.

And I don't think protecting financial interests is just blanketed greed. It makes sense. Your money is your house, your food, your car, your clothes, your family's well being. Yeah, if you own a multinational corporation and you'd rather not help starving kids in the countries in which your factories are running because it saves you that 1% razor thin profit margin, then that's greed. But somebody who stumbled upon an interesting cut or cross, and creates financial stability for themselves with it through hard work and exclusivity is fine by me tbh. Especially considering we all have that same potential. Why envy another who is no better than me? I can also make or find cool crosses and cuts. I'm over expecting other people behave according to what I want or how I feel.
Ya 100% agree, cruised thru this thread a lil more and totally feel you. Just saw notso post and it made sense.

I was thinking of is some of these hype breeder charging huge markups when I made the post. I totally understand holding on to a special cut you found because if you wouldn't want to just let it out there and into the hands of some people who only have money on their mind. Why let some greedy hype train capitalize off your work. We've seen it happen many times before, fuck people have renamed cuts and said it was their own creation.
Cannarado have a Sundae Float (Root Beer Float x Sundae Driver) awhile back that sold out while I was contemplating pulling the trigger. I'm still kicking myself for not making the move.
Dude literally just posted about rootbeer not even 24hrs ago on ig.

here it is for people not following him on IG

No, he only ever DMed me with the Sour D BX2, the Sour D he’s held for a long ass time, The Kush Mints, Black Lime Reserve and Tahoe OG Kush.

Is it Mean Genes Black Lime Reserve?
No it's the Blue Mountain Gas cut the Same one he gifted Crane City Genetics
Mean Genes on the new potcast and goes in depth about root beer around the 40 minute mark. What I took from what he said is he’s not interested in only keeping it for himself but it’s a combination of it not really being a super impressive indoor strain (says it was grown/selected/bred outdoors) and with the current hype and demand he’s able to raise a ton for charity selling crosses. Also says he hasn’t made dime off root beer yet so I’m not gonna knock the guy sounds like his intentions are pure. Hopefully he does release it as a outdoor strain someday.
There are too many good strains and breeders out there to get hung up on one breeder's hype.

I get that Mean Gene's supposed to be a legend but I don't like how most of his IG posts are just to trash other growers and breeders. That speaks volumes about the type of person behind the posts... I'm old enough to see through that kind of crap now.
I’d argue that when Gene does make a serious post about his genetics, it’s got more history and provenance than 95% of other breeders out there.
I’d argue that when Gene does make a serious post about his genetics, it’s got more history and provenance than 95% of other breeders out there.

For whatever reason, he seems to have acknowledged his shit posting as such recently, and I guess perhaps I was just one of the few who was rubbed the wrong way by stupid crap on the internet. I'm going to listen to the Potcast ep because I do hear too many good things to let that completely taint my opinions. I can admit when I'm wrong. :-)