Rooted clone but mabe dieing??!!!??


Active Member
Hey whats up everyone,
a buddy of mine gave me one of his clones 2day and She looked terrible, her leafs where some what dead and dried i cut the ones that where dead off and left the ones that looked ok on, and She gots some Massive Roots for a clone but my question is Will she Revive? im having hope cause i think my buddy left her in the sun too long and dried up most of her leafs but i do notice very small growth by the branches will it live ok? what should i do Please help if you can!!!!

Workin on getting a camera to take pics!!

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Not sure with out seeing a picture. going to guess.:o
I had one that looked like she wasn't going to make it once all f-up.
I put her under a dome. She turned around in a week.
but, my environment is probably very different. I live in the desert. very low humidity.

You did say you have a nice root system on this clone... transplant her may help


Active Member
Oh yeaa? i hear ya broo well i took some Pictures of her, may not be that good of quality cause i took it of my android phone,
but im having hope on her that she will improve untill i see her flop over like a dead whale on land i wont stop Lol,
but i know These Forums are Excellent with Really good experience Growers So id thought id get some advise Thanks again!


Active Member
Ok soo here are the Pictures, sorry if the pictures are bad.... should i transplant her into a Peat pot with some New soil? or leave her the way she is? Thanks.


Active Member
well geezz thanks for YOUR input dude, i dont think you read my post right, i did say i see Some what New growth by the stems, im still gunna try to recover her but i can sure use some advise or what not.


Active Member
well to you it may look it, but im not gunna give up im seeing NEW growth on the sides of the stem im just hoping some one could help me out on what i can do. to me a dead plant is it Wilted over and such Buutt my plant is not wilted and has a desent amout of roots!


Well-Known Member
a plant several weeks old maybe we could have hope.
This seedling has smoked itself. leaving you high and dry OR not.
