rooting hormone for transplanting?


I recently just transplanted my babies into bigger pots and kinda butchered one of the root balls would i be able to just water it with a little bit of root-stim mixed in? would it be beneficial or no? I'm thinking it would reduce the time it would take for my plant to recover but what do you guys think?:shock:


Well-Known Member
No need to try and 'fix' it further and don't go dumping nutes on it for a week or 2 either.

It will recover on its own.



good to know thx +rep, i plan on trying to use as little nutes as possible next to none for this grow as long as things go well thx again


Active Member
i've found a little of H & G roots excellurator makes a good transplant solution, but if you don't already have it it's not worth spending $80 for that. It is a great root stimulator though and you can use it in all your future grows if you wanted.


Well-Known Member
Remove equivalent top-growth. i.e, if you think you broke 50% of the roots, remove 50% of the leaves. It will take a few days to recover.