Roots browning AT THE TOP

I have an 18 gallon tote with an aeroponic manifold (from my cloner) in it. 6 ladies in 6" net pots filled with hydroton. This is temporary until my UCDWC is finally finished.

Everything but the humidity and Ca Mg has been under control thus far. Water temp has been 62-70 degrees.

Humidity was 22 percent and lower until today when I picked up a humidifier.

I've added Epsom to my RO to fix the Ca Mg issue.

Problem: I am seeing browning of the roots on the top of the roots. I am thinking that it is probably related to light leakage. I didn't have tote light sealed yet. It is under a T5. The rest of the roots look really healthy but 2-3" of the roots coming out of the net pot have started turning brown. The rest are looking nice and white.

Question: What have I done and how do I deal with it?

I have already added a layer of panda film to the tote, so that should be good now. Will this go away on its own?


Well-Known Member
Get a chiller keep water under 64 to kill the pathogen problem you have , H2O2 concentrate every 4 days in water at 1000:1 will also do the job. Brown roots wont improve unless you fix it.