Roots growing above surface???


Well-Known Member

Hey all, i'm pretty new to the scene and have been lurking around the forums for some time now.

All seems to be going well except that these past few days ive been seeing fluffy white things on the surface of the soil. At first i thought it was mold so i googled it and people said to removed the first couple inches of soil and replace with new soil (due to overwatering). However, i didnt do that yet and left it for a few more days and today is probalby the third/fourth day and its starting to look like roots? They are more white and stringy now rather than fluffy spots. What is going on?

Some information to consider:
- 8' pot, cabinet grow, CFLs
- Soil drains well
- The past week ive been letting it dry out a bit before watering because i use to over water. I havent watered to the point of drainage for the past week.
- VEGGED from NOV 22, 2008 till JAN 03, 2009 (43 days/6 weeks) and has been FLOWERING till date.
- Didnt start nutes until this past week. (talk about noob)

Thanks in advance for your time.



Well-Known Member
Roots show from time to time... if they are just put some soil on top, but it's no big deal... Luck.


Well-Known Member
could be roots... how old? what size container? what type of grow medium? I could give u some answers but to be certain I would need to see pics. another way to tell would be to water her then remove her from the container and see if there are roots growing up the sides of the container also....


Well-Known Member
happens with time and also if you water from top and water doesnt get to bottom of pot then the roots will go up towards water.


Well-Known Member
i've always thought the water would be able to make it to the roots....but for those who are paranoid about overwatering...i can see how this comes into play


Well-Known Member
go hydro, never overwater again.

i get roots coming out of almost all my rockwool blocks by the end of flowering. i consider it normal.


Well-Known Member
also...since your roots come out of the rockwool...aren't you scared of light exposure?
:weed:ive never seen a root hurt by light ive got some clear pots, small pots are the answer and perlite 50/50, check out my 10 day old bubblebomb in indoor growing:weed:


Well-Known Member
i use clear pots also...but from what people were saying...i had wrapped the sides and kept the bottom clear so i can look for moisture and look at the roots (not like its important i think)

yeah man...i'm gonna check out your grow


Well-Known Member
chuck some clay pellets in/on there!
iv stopped watering from the top to aviod this now , but roots will go where the water is . . little lady developed a few inches of pure pellet roots aswell as extending those in the soil


Well-Known Member
Your plants are root bound, put them in at least a 3 gallon pot.

What if i cant? I know root bound = tangled roots, stunted growth and potential but under my "cabinet" circumstances, i simply cant... any alternatives? More nutes?

I looked up "root bound" and stumbled upon something interesting but with tomato's,
"This tomato plant is starting to become root bound. And believe it or not, that is good, because as soon as is this half starved tomato plant starts to get root bound, it panics and starts to throw out its first truss of flowers, and that's that we want. In fact we trick it into flowering."

Any comments about that?


Well-Known Member
yeah.. mu suggest was rootbound far as for next time ur gonna have to get bigger pots or start flower earlier. sux too cause while a root bound tomato plant can be tricked into flower, your already there so all u get is less yield.... other than that cover with some soil... not much as to not rot the stem but maybe 1/4 to 1/2"...

Keep nuting as scheduled the plant still gets the nutes and uses them it just needs to throw deeper roots to grow bigger and throw out bigger/more yield.

I take that back, if u've only been flowering for 3 days then pretty much screwed unless I can think of somethin else or you can get creative with repotting... your gonna get like 3 times the amount of roots as u have now for the rest of flowering!... or may end up severly stunted with minimal yeild.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if hydro is easier, its all ive ever done. as far as light on the roots, im not too concerned, theyre weeds.