Roots growing up instead of down


Well-Known Member
Im not geting much joy in the indoor forum on this so thought praps i should put my thread here: here it is so far:


I'll just repeat the quwestion on my thread below because the title of that one doesn't really go along with the question and some of you guys might not read it.


I have planted my seeds into damp rockwool cubes, 2 so far have sprouted up but they are white and look like roots with no signs of anything that looks like a leaf.

Can roots grow up if the seed is put in the wrong way round? and if so what should i do? pull the cube apart and replant root down?

Thanks for any help

GreenGroView Public ProfileSend a private message to GreenGroFind all posts by GreenGro
Today, 11:22 AM
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420 TIME
Join Date: Mar 2007

Posts: 424

seeds pushing themselves out is a common issue with rockwool, a pic would be very helpful though in determining if it needs to be removed and re-planted. If the root hasn't branched out yet you can open the cube and re-plant but you must be VERY careful not to damage the delicate taproot. After you take it out place it in moist paper towel to keep it wet. This is why I prefer rapid-rooters myself, they cost more but work in hydroponics and soil and help to establish a fibrous root system without the issues of seeds pushing themselves upward.
I'm a geek so I learn fast! I just happen to enjoy SciFi...
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Today, 12:20 PM
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Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker
Join Date: Jan 2007

Posts: 140

Here is about the best pic i can produce. the flash lights it all up too much

Is this a root or will it pop up with some leaves on the end. HELP.............................PLEASE........... ..............................
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GreenGroView Public ProfileSend a private message to GreenGroFind all posts by GreenGro

Today, 12:35 PM
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Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker
Join Date: Jan 2007

Posts: 140

Soz guys, I don't want to be a pain and keep bumping the thread but I am really worried I'm gonna screw up yet another batch of seeds, whats the score with the pic? can roots grow upward, is it a root or just the normal start.

Please :cry:
GreenGroView Public ProfileSend a private message to GreenGroFind all posts by GreenGro

Today, 01:57 PM
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Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker
Join Date: Jan 2007

Posts: 140

Right, no one replied and I had to make a decision sharp as I gotta get on with the rest of my life so.

I pulled the 1 cube apart and it looks like the root had grown up ou of the plug then back down and was about 1 inch long. I was as gentle as poss and did no visible damage. I poked a hole in another cube I already had soaked and dropped it in, the root is still sticking out about a 1/4 inch with the remains of the split seed casing on top (i couldnt get it down any further without pushing and risking damage.

Did I do the right thing? hopefully someone at some point can let me know??
Please help me:cry: :cry: :cry:



Well-Known Member
The white thing you can see is the tap root coming out, if the seed is upside down in the rockwool then the tap root will grow up at first and then curl round to go for the moisture in the rockwool and then it will continue to grow through the rockwool but the seedling will be trapped underneath, I know of people who have had their seedlings die because of this.

Best bet would be to gently pull the rockwool apart to rescue the seed and the put it in a new rockwool cube the right way up


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this

I have done this with one, will wait to see what happens with the other less advanced one tomorrow.

Which way should I plant the seeds then I thought it was point down?
