Roots in Boiling Water ?


Active Member
hey guys i was just wondering if anyone has tried this method when i was in Mexico i met a guy who i became great friends with who was a massive grower and seller (how i met him from buying) well his shit was DANK and i asked him how he grew like any secrets and he told me just before he would harvest a plant he would drop it up to the roots i boiling water and take it out again quick he said that it makes all the nutes and goodness from the stem shoot out into the Buds/Leaves because of the shock = Danker Stuff

just wondering if Legit and if anyone has tried ?
ya realy gets to me when i hear this kinda if being a good grower with the right set-up, genetics and proper growing habbits has nothing to do with potiency, taste and's all about some magical little trick... Anyway..what he told you is a bold faced lie. Plants have a very slow metabolism..nutes move threw plants very slowly. There is no basis for the statment that boiling water would move the nutes and or THC into the buds. Things just dont work that way..if you wana learn how to grow good trees get a grow book..
Have def never heard this one. WOW! LOL! Common sense would tell me NO. I suggest NOT trying it. Like $waGger said. Metabolism is just way to slow for this to be possible.
how about this
curing is slow fermentation
when you submerge the roots in boiling water it kills them. this in turn causes the plant to go into a "survival mode" and convert sugars and protiens to alcohol. the plant uses the alcohol to try to survive until the roots recover (which wont happended cause there dead) this alcohol then starts to ferment. the only kind of advantage i can see would be an earlier possibly faster cure. - Info from wonderful teachers who dont believe everything there told and dont discredit much immedietly.
THC and the other cannabinoids aren't manufactured in the roots or stems. They're manufactured in the flowers and leaves.

So, no, I don't believe this story at all, not even one bit.

Furthermore, I have to wonder if this guy was just yanking your chain, and in fact, that's where my money is.
iiibert.. please read your post again. it doesnt make sense, either in its context or literacy, what are you smoking dude???
how about this
curing is slow fermentation
when you submerge the roots in boiling water it kills them. this in turn causes the plant to go into a "survival mode" and convert sugars and protiens to alcohol. the plant uses the alcohol to try to survive until the roots recover (which wont happended cause there dead) this alcohol then starts to ferment. the only kind of advantage i can see would be an earlier possibly faster cure. - Info from wonderful teachers who dont believe everything there told and dont discredit much immedietly.
Sorry. i am high and an odd person. the only relavance was the boiling water and i just felt like sharing some interesting info. sorry for my poor language skills. white widow
how about this
curing is slow fermentation
when you submerge the roots in boiling water it kills them. this in turn causes the plant to go into a "survival mode" and convert sugars and protiens to alcohol. the plant uses the alcohol to try to survive until the roots recover (which wont happended cause there dead) this alcohol then starts to ferment. the only kind of advantage i can see would be an earlier possibly faster cure. - Info from wonderful teachers who dont believe everything there told and dont discredit much immedietly.

The small problem with your theory is

a. Conventional curing is NOT "fermentation". While there is breakdown of complex sugars into simpler ones, so far as I know there is no conversion of sugars to alcohols by yeasts or other microbes during curing.

b. Proteins are not readily converted into alcohol in any case.

c. I doubt cannabis plants can readily metabolize alcohol, let alone use alcohol as a preferential food source during times of extreme stress.

In terms of belief/disbelief, I've heard it put this way: You should keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out of your head.

When someone tells you something that sounds implausible or ridiculous, the burden is on them to prove it, not on you to assume its true!

If I told you shoving cannabis plants up your ass would make them more potent, because the plant would then exhibit a "stress response" of secreting more resin to protect itself from its noxious environment, would you believe it?

If not, why is this boiling water theory any more plausible?
THC and the other cannabinoids aren't manufactured in the roots or stems. They're manufactured in the flowers and leaves.

So, no, I don't believe this story at all, not even one bit.

Furthermore, I have to wonder if this guy was just yanking your chain, and in fact, that's where my money is.

Perhaps one should boil water and douse the trees with said boiling water and see what happens. ;)
i don't boil i wake and bake. but on the really thats crazy. stick to growing and not cooking you will be just fine.
hey guys i was just wondering if anyone has tried this method when i was in Mexico i met a guy who i became great friends with who was a massive grower and seller (how i met him from buying) well his shit was DANK and i asked him how he grew like any secrets and he told me just before he would harvest a plant he would drop it up to the roots i boiling water and take it out again quick he said that it makes all the nutes and goodness from the stem shoot out into the Buds/Leaves because of the shock = Danker Stuff

just wondering if Legit and if anyone has tried ?
My mums friend used to be a big time grower/distributor and he said the same thing. He said the shock pushes all the resin into the flowers and that you can actually watch more trichomes form in front of your eyes
I've heard thos one before. From a "carpenter" named tornado, except he spelled it tornatoe. Because he's retarded. Guy drove across my buddy lawn because he wouldn't sell him a bag when he had company over lol.

Anyways, I'm chopping a plant Sunday. I hate this plant. It sucks, it smells bad, it grows like shit. I would love to boil the shit out of the root ball. Do I leave the roots on after?
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I've heard thos one before. From a "carpenter" named tornado, except he spelled it tornatoe. Because he's retarded. Guy drove across my buddy lane because he wouldn't sell him a bag when he had company over lol.

Anyways, I'm chopping a plant Sunday. I hate this plant. It sucks, it smells bad, it grows like shit. I would love to boil the shit out of the root ball. Do I leave the roots on after?
I have no idea tbh I’m harvesting my little AK47 plant today and will be trying it out. This is my first ever harvest. Hopefully it works well
hey guys i was just wondering if anyone has tried this method when i was in Mexico i met a guy who i became great friends with who was a massive grower and seller (how i met him from buying) well his shit was DANK and i asked him how he grew like any secrets and he told me just before he would harvest a plant he would drop it up to the roots i boiling water and take it out again quick he said that it makes all the nutes and goodness from the stem shoot out into the Buds/Leaves because of the shock = Danker Stuff

just wondering if Legit and if anyone has tried ?
Dude really lol!