roots or no roots?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i have gotten my cuttings and i used a root solution on them and planted them in soil. i have them in a tubaware container (clear) with clear plastic lightly spread across the top. i've misted them 2 times already today. i have them under 3 blue spectrum cfl's at 24 hours of light a day. i was just wondering how will i know when the clones have started to have a good root system? any signs that the plant gives? also i was just wondering if misting 6 clones 4 times a day was too much mist/water for them. and is about 24 degrees(C) alright to get the clones healthy?


Well-Known Member
give the stem a gentle tug. if it moves freely, no roots. if it doesnt give at all, there are roots. (the roots hold it in place). good luck and happy growing.

also, keep the dirt warm and the roots will grow faster.