Roots Organic Pallet.

Yea imo if you use colnex the clones are not organic,(i would say like 99.8 lol) but like i said it's very trivial. When i vegg i use nothing but organic, but when i get to flower i use all my chemicals like a mad So not the hugest deal but i still like to know when i get something if its "organic" or not.
Yea imo if you use colnex the clones are not organic,(i would say like 99.8 lol) but like i said it's very trivial. When i vegg i use nothing but organic, but when i get to flower i use all my chemicals like a mad So not the hugest deal but i still like to know when i get something if its "organic" or not.

Isn't that doing it backwards? Wouldn't you want to use chems, if you did, in veg and try to flower organically if possible?
ive done organic blooms but they lack in size imo... Just try it before you knock it its a personal strategy. I know its unorthodox but its working great for me... In bloom they need different, and some time's stronger fertilizers, i.e... carboloads, clamags, flower boosters, foliar sprays, sweeteners. In vegg i didn't have to add a thing because its all there in the super soil. I didn't even have to ph my water at that point ( a real life saver)... It is so cost efficient to do it this way with great results...
Last time I checked plants don't normally clone themselves in nature but they can. Cloning on the scale and manner we do it is a completely man induced endeavor, now you can clone with nothing but water and I have just to see if it would work but the quality of clones is not as good as using a proven chemical which is the industry standard for agriculture it is indole-3-butyric acid. Which is usually a synthetically sourced plant auxin but it can be sourced from plants. If the cloning product has this it is effectively stimulating the plant to produce roots any cloning product without this is usually just a mix of vitamin b, some light nutrients, antifungals and anti bacterial. Cloning is caused by plant growth hormones called auxins and plants make them themselves hence why clones will root by themselves. A cloning product with IBA in it will increase the hormone levels to critical levels more quickly and create roots sooner. Honey is a natural antifungal and antibacterial so by dipping cuttings in them you are protecting them from infection which is the main cause for clones not rooting. So it makes it easier for the plant to root but does not have a direct role in the process .
Willow sap is another alternative. Not that it is in abundance in Az or anything; but it is 100% organic and I believe there are more beneficials than honey for promoting root growth. I like only water clones for those hardcore organic/veganic buffs, but if the atmosphere is not perfect the clones can take a long time to root and tend to be weak vs root hormone.
Willow sap is another alternative. Not that it is in abundance in Az or anything; but it is 100% organic and I believe there are more beneficials than honey for promoting root growth. I like only water clones for those hardcore organic/veganic buffs, but if the atmosphere is not perfect the clones can take a long time to root and tend to be weak vs root hormone.

Willow bark is one of the natural sources for IBA but it must be extracted and refined in order to really be as effective as available products on the market