ok, I have been useing super soil mixes and it makes DANK, But I am seeing really nice results from Roots organic soil, with a tea or two added during the cycle....
Going on the thorey of Less is more, just roots organic is LESS than super soil.
I know super soil dosne't need any nutes, it is plant and grow, but what I am seeing is by starting in just roots than adding a Fraction of the ingerdanints for super soil (smaller contaner too) that the plants are just as happy .
and you dont have to worry about the soil running out of fuel (because you feed it)
am i making any sense here??? I anit dissing super soil , it just seams there is to much stuff being added to a already amended soil. The only thing i dont know about is the TASTE of the meds, Super soil has produced the best tateing meds (organic Fade)I have had.
I was just thinking useing HAlf the soil and brew teas with half the additives.
Correct me if i am wrong?????????????/
Going on the thorey of Less is more, just roots organic is LESS than super soil.
I know super soil dosne't need any nutes, it is plant and grow, but what I am seeing is by starting in just roots than adding a Fraction of the ingerdanints for super soil (smaller contaner too) that the plants are just as happy .
and you dont have to worry about the soil running out of fuel (because you feed it)
am i making any sense here??? I anit dissing super soil , it just seams there is to much stuff being added to a already amended soil. The only thing i dont know about is the TASTE of the meds, Super soil has produced the best tateing meds (organic Fade)I have had.
I was just thinking useing HAlf the soil and brew teas with half the additives.
Correct me if i am wrong?????????????/