Roots original or 707


Well-Known Member
Local hydro store just got in the roots 707. I've been a roots original guy and happy, was thinking of giving the 707 a try but for the extra $10 not sure if it's worth it. Experience ? Pros?Cons?


Well-Known Member
Better water retention yes, it says for indoor or outdoor. If I'm correct the greenfield is the outdoor special.


Well-Known Member
Local hydro store just got in the roots 707. I've been a roots original guy and happy, was thinking of giving the 707 a try but for the extra $10 not sure if it's worth it. Experience ? Pros?Cons?
I have used roots extensively, back about 8-9 yrs ago, the regular is a better product than the 707, the 707 runs out of "juice" after about 45 days or so.
If you have access to vermifire i'd use that over roots, 6 days a week and twice on sundays...
BOTH i'd amend with a half cup of neem meal per bag.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I don't believe they carry vermifire. Roots and foxfarm brands mainly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I don't believe they carry vermifire. Roots and foxfarm brands mainly.
that's a shame, vermifire is much better than those two.
Maybe see if they can order you some? Many times their supplier/distributor will have access to other soil types, it's sorta like asking a beautiful girl out on a date.... the worse they can say is no, and that's the answer already... sooo give it a shot.
oh, and regarding the price difference, I could be wrong but the 707 I think is a 2 cubic foot size, not a 1.5, which I think the regular bags are, this is SOLELY off my memory... and you fellas know how a stoner's memory is..


Well-Known Member
All the roots soil have a sharp dip in nutrients levels. The original starts real hot then fades after 20-30 days youll need to start adding nitrogen.

You'd have better luck amending your own mix for organics. Not enough in the roots to support long term microbial system. If your not running micros in soil, might as well just do hydro!


Well-Known Member
All the roots soil have a sharp dip in nutrients levels. The original starts real hot then fades after 20-30 days youll need to start adding nitrogen.

You'd have better luck amending your own mix for organics. Not enough in the roots to support long term microbial system. If your not running micros in soil, might as well just do hydro!
yup, it's why I don't like guanos/blood meal, too damn soluble, you rinse away a lot of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
yup, it's why I don't like guanos/blood meal, too damn soluble, you rinse away a lot of nutrients.
yup, it's why I don't like guanos/blood meal, too damn soluble, you rinse away a lot of nutrients.

Not if your using fungus and bacteria!!!! The nutrient molecules have IONS that carry the opposite charge of your roots, fungus, and bacteria. If you have a solid ecosystem, the magnetic reaction between your microbes pulls all nutrients into the soil web leaving filtered runoff.

They then use enzymes to turn it into nitrates or ammonium that is readily available for your plant :)

Unless your using nutrients, then your just replenishing nutrients around your roots... much less affective and more costly.

Which is why these hot mix soils are mostly bogus unless your gonna top feed.... which will cut down on symbiosis taking place in your medium.

Hope this insight helps


Well-Known Member
Very interesting, I top feed very lighty about 1/4 strentgh and use compost tea. But learning the science of it is quite nice.


Well-Known Member
Not if your using fungus and bacteria!!!! The nutrient molecules have IONS that carry the opposite charge of your roots, fungus, and bacteria. If you have a solid ecosystem, the magnetic reaction between your microbes pulls all nutrients into the soil web leaving filtered runoff.

They then use enzymes to turn it into nitrates or ammonium that is readily available for your plant :)

Unless your using nutrients, then your just replenishing nutrients around your roots... much less affective and more costly.

Which is why these hot mix soils are mostly bogus unless your gonna top feed.... which will cut down on symbiosis taking place in your medium.

Hope this insight helps
not arguing I just have a difficult time understanding that completely, my understanding of it would lead me to disagree with you, but I don't used blood meals or guanos anymore.
I do get your explanation of it, I already understand that, my argument was simply that water soluble nutrients will wash away, regardless of what you have in your soilweb, all the bacteria and fungus in the world won't be able to keep the water from running through the media...
Mix the soil up freshly, water it, and then look at the runoff, you have a nutrient tea. That's from the nutrients in the soil being soluble.
That's all i'm saying, both blood meal and guano will absolutely 100% without a doubt grow you some fantastic herb! No doubt.
Just too soluble for my preference.