Rope smokers first cfl grow bagg seed closet grow

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hi this is my first indoor grow. Grew outdoors one time early 90s. Found this site a few weeks back. I couldn't wait so I put a bag seed in a old pot the wife had killed a plant injust to watch it come up. It is 5-6 weeks old can't remember. tried to post a pic but haveing trouble. will try again tommarow.
The plant has been in the window so its not getting enough light and its small
But last night i got it in my closet under two cfls they are 5900k daylight is
that close enough to 6500k to be alright? I'm going to work on getting some pics to upload. comments are welcome.:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
right on Rope Smoker,,those should do for now,,where's the pics,,cmon,,we need pics man,,you know that:hump:,,good luck till the end Rope

Keep on Growin


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
IKnow I Know you want pics I'll give it my HOLE attention when I get home on my computer, Idon't have Internet at home so I'm at work posting this But my pics are too big and I cant edet them here don't have right software here at work. I hope I can get it done at home.:peace:peace man:peace:
keep on growing

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:evil:Grrrrrrrrrrrrr I can't get my pics shrunk down to upload. What software
do you guys yous to edet pics? The cam I'm using is a elcheapo don't know
what to do. I'm going to ask a friend tonight.
Next prob. My temp is 67deg with the light on.Going to buy 2 more lights
tonight. Ive got 2 23wat 5900k cfls now. Going to look for some 6500k
It's 1deg this morn and we have a elect thermastat that adjusts temp
up and down when we are there or not. Don't want a $500 heat bill so hate
to change the settings 69deg when there 64 when not there but I know it's colder at nite in grow closet than 67deg I see 4pm
I'm hoping 2 more lights helps cure these problems then i can germ some more seeds so if this
one turns male. I don't have to start from scratch.
:peace:peace man:peace:keep on growing


Well-Known Member
I had trouble with that the other day. I ended up having to use an online interent "photo resizer" (cropper) and take new pics from farther away so when it crops it still shows a good amount of the pic while cutting off enough to make it a small eneough size. kinda lame.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
I had trouble with that the other day. I ended up having to use an online interent "photo resizer" (cropper) and take new pics from farther away so when it crops it still shows a good amount of the pic while cutting off enough to make it a small eneough size. kinda lame.
cool do you remember what the web site address was? I would like to get
these uploaded. Thanks EZ preciate the help

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Guess I don't have to srink that much! My daughters camara Is a cheape
No macro on it. I'm going to try and get some more lights tonight hope I
can raise my temp some.:peace:peace man:peace:

P.S. busy tonight maybe tommarow some pics of my (getto) grow closet.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:hump:I bought 2 more lights last night this makes 4 23wat cfls 5900k
could'nt find anything but these and some 2600k at menards.
But the good news is it raised my temp to 74deg. I cheaked it this morn
before work. It is looking good and the new shoots at the top have really
poped out in 24hrs. I'm using a 1/4 strenght MG nuts I need to repot It in
a bigger pot this weekend.

Happy Valentines day RIU people Have a :joint:smoke:joint: and a Good day
:peace:peace man:peace:

P.S. I'll try to get some pics of plant and my set up this weekend

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Too busy with V day yesterday I will have pics On monday I promes!!!
I got a new bag today can't what till quiting time to try it!
Well on to the important stuff. My plant is looking good Not growing
as much as I thought It would with going from the window with only
partial sun most of the day to 24hrs of cfl 6000lumens. I might try uping
my nuts from 1/4 strenghth MG every 3 waterings plain water 2 times in between nuts. What do you guys think? Is any body watchings this thread?
:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:joint:Had unexpected company this weekend so didn't get any pics taken.
Plant looks ok but the bottom leaves are a lot lighter green than the tops?
Am I over nuting it? Hope to have a pic but my cam won't take macro and
you can't see them clear enough to see. I may try to get a magnafying glass
and try again to get some pics you can see.
:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Sorry I havn't had time to work on any pics worrying about my girl! Temp is my big problem I think Night temps are around 54-55 degs and day gets up to
low 60 to low 70s depending on outside temp and wind.
My plant Has got 5 nodes bottom leaves are getting a lighter green color than
the top of the plant thats a nice dark green. I was watering with nuts every 3-4 days but maybe thats too much? I've just started useing straight water
and will only nute 1 a week? what do you guys think?

:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
It's finaly Friday! My temps are back up to 74deg I hope it stays above 20deg out side. then I don't have trouble.
Hopfuly This weekend I get to buy my vent fan and filter. Maybe I can get it put in too!
Plant is maybe looking better after I watered with straight water but It could be the temps too. I FIMMd her last night. Meaning I cut the very top little shoot about 75% of it off at a 45% angle. Hoping I get 4 or 5 topps to grow from it.
I'm not worring about pics till i get a new cam. what I'm using now i worthless.
Keep on Growing :peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Well I purchased my vent fan this weekend But didn't get to install it !
We made a road trip to eat at red lobster, and I stoped at Barnes and Noble
and picked up Buds for Less by See More Buds. Great Book Wish I had it before
I started my one plant! But I'm going to start some more seeds tonight! for Insurance from Males!
Also I'm going to look for a PH test kit. After reading the book I see that MG soil that they used and tessted was off on its PH. So I'm looking for a tester,
and some perlight for my soil, before I transplant my one plant and start my new ones.:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Last night I bought a ph,light.and mosture Meter at lowes. After I got home I realised It is only for soil not for water! I'm hoping to have time to play with it tonight. If I cheak the soil and then water it and cheak it again will I be able to judge the ph of my water that way, ar do i need to buy a water ph teater?
:leaf:peace man:leaf:


Well-Known Member
being well prepared will help you out big time when you're plants need it most,,good goin Rope,,,,,,now get some frikkin pics up man,,no more excuses,,lol,,j/k,,well,,,,kinda:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
being well prepared will help you out big time when you're plants need it most,,good goin Rope,,,,,,now get some frikkin pics up man,,no more excuses,,lol,,j/k,,well,,,,kinda:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

Thanks a Hole bunch for stoping in Hole! I got a ph,moisture,and light meter and was getting some inconsistent readings on the moisture setting the soil was moisture and the meter said it was dry,so i tried it in plain water and it said it was dry! wtf I retried it in a bit and then it peged the meter on the wet end. but the ph reading i'm getting is 7.7-7.8 on my water and my soil MG potting mix.I don't know if these are normal readings or not what do you think Hole? I'm going to post this In the newbie section and see what riu thinks.
On another note I fimmed my plant ithink 4 days ago and with my naked bifocaled eyes and can see a lot of growth. I had to go to work so I didn't get to grab my 10x eye pc to look and wee if I did it right and got 4 new heads or not.

P.S. Hole I will try and get you some pics! But they arn't very clear with the cam I'm borrowing from my daughter. I may try and buy a magnifieing glass tonight and see if I can get some pics worth posting!
Keep on Growing :peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
No more excuses Hole Here are some pics, not the best but you can see a little. If you can see the bottom leaves are kind of yellow green. I'm wondering if this is a PH problem? I bought a meter but getting different readings when I cheak it multiple times I'ts a cheapee. I'm going to buy a test kit that you match the sample color to a chart, and see what reading I get compared to my meter.
Also I planted 3 more seeds Last night as a back up to the one I have going.
keep on growing :peace:peace man:peace: