Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

I have observed salt buildups etc, i would not want to be sticking a computer radiator in a loop using res water, it would get gunky real quick and be a pain to clean. In the past i've used "specially formulated" additives, everything still ended up getting nasty and dirty, tubes needed replacing. With regard to the pyhsics, well i don't have a thermometer at hand, but i'm pretty sure that the air in my grow room is hotter than the water in the reservoirs due to it having to accumulate heat slowly etc, so as such the radiator would be cooling or even heating the water to the grow room air's temp, so potentially it wouldn't do any good unless situated across the air intake or such, but that would massively ipede the flow, might require a second intake etc.

I just wrapped mine in silver tape and despite a small cupboard and a 600w and i've yet to encounter a temp issue.
I have observed salt buildups etc, i would not want to be sticking a computer radiator in a loop using res water, it would get gunky real quick and be a pain to clean. In the past i've used "specially formulated" additives, everything still ended up getting nasty and dirty, tubes needed replacing. With regard to the pyhsics, well i don't have a thermometer at hand, but i'm pretty sure that the air in my grow room is hotter than the water in the reservoirs due to it having to accumulate heat slowly etc, so as such the radiator would be cooling or even heating the water to the grow room air's temp, so potentially it wouldn't do any good unless situated across the air intake or such, but that would massively ipede the flow, might require a second intake etc.

I just wrapped mine in silver tape and despite a small cupboard and a 600w and i've yet to encounter a temp issue.

well i figured a small filter that plugs into the hose at 2 ends would help with the gunking up and also if the cooler is partially coverd by ice in a small bucket that it would help considerably. but as i said i have not tried it but i may run a test set up with plants in the system to see how it works out.
We use similar systems where I work to cool down quench liquids (but on a larger scale) and they create a ton of heat.
Hi Roseman,

Thanks for this great topic.I have a question. You say dont adjustment ph in bucket.Well,how do you measure ur ph ? Because bucket is fully sealed with mylar to prevent light leaks ,i cannot open top plate.How do you do measure and regulate ph ?? Is there an easy way to do it ? I carefully read your tutorial but i couldnt find it.I'm sorry if i missed this.
Hi Roseman,

Thanks for this great topic.I have a question. You say dont adjustment ph in bucket.Well,how do you measure ur ph ? Because bucket is fully sealed with mylar to prevent light leaks ,i cannot open top plate.How do you do measure and regulate ph ?? Is there an easy way to do it ? I carefully read your tutorial but i couldnt find it.I'm sorry if i missed this.

How do u add more water to the bucket then?
Does anyone know if he kept doing Drain & Replenish every 7 days/week throughout the entire grow, even in the Flowering stages. It makes sense that he did, since you need to replenish the nutrients, not just top it. It's just that he stopped mentioning it, at the end of Vegetative stages. Hope someone can help me out, Thanks.