roses and other strangeness


Moderatrix of Journals
both of my roses are still actively (well, not so actively anymore but still) developing flowers. 2 clematises are still in bloom. there are raspberries ripening (small ones, and very slowly but not up and dying). i see outdoor floribunda roses in full bloom all over town, my landscaper friend tells me she has a california lilac trying to bloom on one of her jobs. wth? it's the middle of november and here i am not able to fully winterize my babies.

anybody else have unseasonal stuff happening?


Well-Known Member
a few forsythia blossoms, a few cherry blossoms. if the buds are set and the conditions are right you'll see more. or maybe it's all just global warming. idk.


Moderatrix of Journals
how are you, danny? i miss you.

the grandiflora has 6 fully set buds, i actually had one bloom over halloween; although it was probably the most pathetic flower i've seen on it so far. 2 of them are getting to the point where the petals are showing through the stamens but they are *tiny* like the tip of my thumb.


Well-Known Member
im holding up. but not well. im not that brave. i spoke a lot bout revenge but honestly the vengence and malice i feel is outweighed by the love and forgiveness my mother taught me. turn the other cheek and all that. it was just venting. honestly i forgive everyone. i just want to be at peace and hate does weigh you down i feel. i have a vision i may see my fam some day soon.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
every for the past 3 or 4 years some of the trees in the front yard here start growing new leafs even when winter isn't over and the temps is still close to 0C (32F) out side.