Roto-Grow Journal


Active Member
Hey what are you using for odour charcoal ?
I don't. Its pretty bad too - but my grow 'room' is not near where people would typically lurk, so I do not employ active odor control. That being said, apparently I have lots of skunks in the area... LOTS. ;) Thats my story and I am sticking to it.


Active Member
Harvest Statistics

Specimen start count:

Specimens replaced (early veg death)

Specimens dead at end of harvest

Total plants (including dead)

Live plants (flowered) at end of harvest

15% mortality rate (total) - with 4% (realized)


Active Member
Multiple samples from different strains confirm a rough trichome ratio of about 50% opaque, 30% amber, and 20% clear. Some strains are more mature than others, showing a higher concentration of amber, while some of the Sativa hybrids are light on amber and more opaque and clear. This was expected. Rather than allow each strain to reach its optimal harvest window, I have opted to harvest them all to conclude the run and begin the drying/curing phase. Subsequent trials will likely involve far fewer strain types, so harvest windows will be much more aligned.

To harvest, the entire plant was cut off from the base of the stalk. Then all fan leaves still attached were removed, along with all dead leaf material stuck within the thick canopy. With the pruning done last week, this step was not difficult to accomplish outside the sheer fact there were 23 trays and 9 plants per tray to harvest and hang.

The drying room is designed to provide a slow and controlled removal of moisture. With the summer heat, and low humidity in the ambient air, over-drying or fast drying would have been likely if not done with this method. I have the infrared camera in the drying room to keep an eye on the conditions and the overall look of the drying plant.

I debated the use of an anti fungal solution (organic) to spray on the plants before drying, but given what I was able to observe in each plant when pruning, and keeping with the mantra of keeping things simple, I did not feel it was necessary. In about a week I will know if this was indeed a smart move. I have not had a problem with bud rot in the past, but I remain vigilant just the same.

Drying room conditions:
RH - 40%
Temperature - 72 degrees F (underground)
Air circulation - 600 cfm input/output through a charcoal filter, and 1200 recirculation (indirect oscillating fan)
Lighting - none


Well-Known Member
Dying to know how much dry!
this harvest will be the make or break for me to get a Roto,
not to say that i'm not at 100%
Looks Great dude.


Active Member
Thanks all! I dare not estimate dry weight just yet - but I can tell you, it was not too different than harvesting top colas from any soil grow in terms of density and mass. The estimate from friends who helped harvest last night was somewhere in the range of 2 lbs+ - but they were medicated, so go figure.

I am compiling the data regarding mortality, average weight per plant, trichome density, disposition on trimming, smell, taste, etc. per strain to give you all an idea on how the data can be leveraged to maximize a particular interest or goal (e.g. to have maximum dry weight- run X number of Strain A, and Y number of Strain B). Keep in mind, this run was purely to observe and record knowing and expecting failure and/or issues. I think for the fact that I made it to harvest given the nuances of this type of growing is no small feat in itself. At the end of this journey I will publish what changes I will institute for the next round and there I will be expecting some fantastic results now the road has been plowed.

As an aside, my drying room is a dedicated 5'x4', with a split level adding another 4'x2'. It is charcoaled filtered, humidity controlled, temp controlled, underground, and lights off. Think wine cellar and/or a large humidor. Those pictures are actually pictures from underneath the mass of plants hanging to dry. It was fun to sit beneath them on the floor and just look up and seeing them all packed in there. I laid back there for at least 10 mins last night until the smell got so overwhelming I was choking on it. Ha! :D


Active Member
Notes amended to post above.

As I wait for things to dry, I will entertain any questions you all might have.
When I have firm numbers, I will post that data alongside the lessons learned and changes I will implement for the next run.


Well-Known Member
awesome bro its T&T here just followed your link things seemed to turn out well for you congrats
I have not the time to read your journal straight threw but I deffenatly will find the time SOON

thanks man
take care T&T/ttt


Well-Known Member
So far so good. Nice to have a bunker/cellar to work with for sure. Unless you had some significant signs, anti-fungal at that point would be more ruinous than practical. Only water curing for piece of mind if there is a sign that late in the game. Otherwise it's make sure humidity is in check and the room was sterilized well ahead of time using ozone, etc.

Looking forward to final numbers and thoughts on this grow and the next round with this device.

I guess that will be one question to ask then. Are you going to do another round and share it here?



Active Member
awesome bro its T&T here just followed your link things seemed to turn out well for you congrats
I have not the time to read your journal straight threw but I deffenatly will find the time SOON

thanks man
take care T&T/ttt
Thanks mate! I am reading through your Roto grow journal on GP - impressive pictures!


Active Member
So far so good. Nice to have a bunker/cellar to work with for sure. Unless you had some significant signs, anti-fungal at that point would be more ruinous than practical. Only water curing for piece of mind if there is a sign that late in the game. Otherwise it's make sure humidity is in check and the room was sterilized well ahead of time using ozone, etc.

Looking forward to final numbers and thoughts on this grow and the next round with this device.

I guess that will be one question to ask then. Are you going to do another round and share it here?

I totally agree. In between grows/harvests, I sterilize all my equipment and room with a light concentration of bleach and then flush with RO water. I also use a <5 micron HEPA style air filter in that area.

As for the next run - some new developments on that front and I will provide more on that later when the dust settles.


Well-Known Member
wonderful and greatly documented grow. how do you like the aqua flakes???... i was thinking of using those nutes


Active Member
wonderful and greatly documented grow. how do you like the aqua flakes???... i was thinking of using those nutes
Based on the end result, I would say they worked well. The good folks at House and Garden have a decent hydro line that is easy to use, moderately priced, and yielded good results. I would love to do a run off of different nutrient lines in the same grow conditions, but using this grow as a base of references, I would say you could do rather well with the Aqua Flakes.


Active Member
Bummer. Thanks for sharing.
Well the dust has settled. My work has me traveling quite a bit this summer, and without a trusted assistant who shares the same keen eye, appreciation for the method, and attention to detail, I would likely be inviting disaster and/or inconclusive results should I attempt a cycle knowing I could not commit to seeing it through personally. That being said, I will need to take a break from my hobby while I take care of business.

I will of course finish this thread and publish my findings for all you who wish to take what I learned and build upon it. I will also be using that time to better my understanding of light mechanics, distribution, and spectrum and the effects on growing plants; the effects of gravity on horticulture by studying the space program research; and better methods for combating pests by learning more of the biological makeup of the spider mite so I can build a better 'mouse trap.' I will also be drafting up designs for a couple enhancement ideas for the Roto that I will use to build a new (and hopefully) improved model that is better tuned for this particular application.

Now if I can only quit my job and do this full time.. ha! Well at the very least, I have a ton of meds to last me through the summer (and then some). :D
Interested in parting with your Roto-Grow then? LOL -- This has been such an interesting journey to follow. If I had the funds I'd be getting one of those right now ... Until then it's pennies in the piggy bank. Congrats on your success!


Active Member
Interested in parting with your Roto-Grow then? LOL -- This has been such an interesting journey to follow. If I had the funds I'd be getting one of those right now ... Until then it's pennies in the piggy bank. Congrats on your success!
Thank you.. I do not plan to sell the Roto just yet - I have big plans for it for the next round. It will be the Roto v.2 with some nifty changes I plan on making to the base design.