Rotting bananas/apples= ethylene = hermie?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to induce hermaphrodization (if thats a word) into one of my 5 female diesel ryders (autoflowering) . Ive been doing reading and would like to avoid using the chemcial hormone gerberillic acid if possible. I read that putting banana peels under the plants will of course give of ethelyne, which as I understood would cause enough stress to make the plant turn hermaphrodite? Is this accurate? Thanks for the input, I need to make my decision between natural rotting fruit and toxic gerberillic acid relatively soon.


Well-Known Member
Dude take whatever one you wanna hermi and a couple hours into its dark cycle flash a mag light or a reg flashlight at it. Just keep fucking up its dark cycle it should stress n turn hermi.

Thats the easiest way I can think of man.


Well-Known Member
No disrespect guys, but this is an auto-flowering strain. Autos don't care about light cycles, they do NOT hermie in response to light poisoning like non-autos will.

I don't know about ethelyne, only heard rumor that it can increase the odds of females in seed.

Have you heard of colloidal silver? You can make it yourself with a battery, some water and a piece of silver. Many drink it to fight off sickness.

Some plants will hermie if they haven't been seeded and you let 'em continue to flower well after harvest time. I don't know if autos do this though.


Active Member
its cool man, i'm not a guru of the autoflowers, but why did not the guy, girl or it buy regular seeds?
i almost bought autoflowers cause they are independant of light and i didnt plan on having a light proof area...
They also finish faster and stay smaller so yoiu can grow in higher concentration, which is probly why he is trying to get a bunch of femmed seeds, since u cant clone them...

Anyway its a good question, and im still considering autoflowers for my next grow... and probly will follow this persons setup if it works well, hooefully someone will have a tested answer for ya!


Well-Known Member
Thanks vh13 I thought maybe the giberillic acid would be better than colloidial siver, but since u said people ingest it then I'll go with that. And to the wise ViolatorKush: I did buy 10 regular seeds, even tho they were listed as in stock, they sent me 5 female seeds in stead, because the seeds I perchased were out of stock. :(


Well-Known Member
thanks everybody. I think I will go with colloidial silver, since i feel better about consuming the hermied-buds of that, compared to bud sprayed with a toxic pesticide(giberillic acid). I'll post again in a few months to let the succes rate be known, and see if the colloidial silver produces viable seeds.


Well-Known Member
My original post to this thread was strictly hypothetical, because I was curious and intrigued by the idea of inducing a plant to turn hermie, and even considered buying diesel ryder seeds. I never actually did buy diesel ryder seeds, too scared, so i cant answer any questions about how they would have performed. sorry to lie at first, but i just wanted to answer my curiosity at the time.