Rough Estimate

How much yield for Tent

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Active Member
the most ive gotten off of a plant indoors is 4 ounces. the plant was all in a room by itself. i used advanced nutrients from start to finish, 400 watt mh and hps. i veggied for about 60 days, the plantgrew to about 4 foot, reached over 5 foot, the plant looked like a snake . i had that plant spun around in a circle. i used the mylar chrome stuff all around the plant and it took forever to finish ! we are talkin about three and a half months indoors on 12 /12 . i was told it was because of the plant i was growing , (100 percent sativa g 13 silver haze i think it was) . but honestley i dont think it was worth the wait. alot easier to do a sea of green. the more i look at your plants the more i think your gunna get but some will produce more than others thats the reason people just average it out at an ounce a plant unless you go longer on vegg. by the way.... can you put a saddle on that dog and ride his ass !


Well-Known Member
the most ive gotten off of a plant indoors is 4 ounces. the plant was all in a room by itself. i used advanced nutrients from start to finish, 400 watt mh and hps. i veggied for about 60 days, the plantgrew to about 4 foot, reached over 5 foot, the plant looked like a snake . i had that plant spun around in a circle. i used the mylar chrome stuff all around the plant and it took forever to finish ! we are talkin about three and a half months indoors on 12 /12 . i was told it was because of the plant i was growing , (100 percent sativa g 13 silver haze i think it was) . but honestley i dont think it was worth the wait. alot easier to do a sea of green. the more i look at your plants the more i think your gunna get but some will produce more than others thats the reason people just average it out at an ounce a plant unless you go longer on vegg. by the way.... can you put a saddle on that dog and ride his ass !
Ya that sounds like a hell of a lot of hard work for that amount of bud your def right about the sea of green thats what i'd like to try and get started, a perpetual grow.
I know wat your saying about the average this stage now to be honest i'd be verry happy with an ounce per plant average.
As for the dog and a saddle i wouldn't like to try, he's really nice manered but not sure how he'd take to trying to use him as a hourse, lol

But there a great dog, fuckin eat you out of house and home tho....:weed:


Well-Known Member
So did you clone them before you turned the lights back or are you gunna start from seed again?
Ya dude took clones from them, not wanting to go throught the trouble of growing from seeds again for another while, well at least till i get my new strains anyway!

Here's some pics of how my clones are looking just now dude!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
type of plants they are ? white family made up of all of the plants like white russian , northern lights has white in them, white rhino, white widow...... and on in on....... i was just wondering what kinda plants you had....


Well-Known Member
type of plants they are ? white family made up of all of the plants like white russian , northern lights has white in them, white rhino, white widow...... and on in on....... i was just wondering what kinda plants you had....
AWWWW i get you know dude, sorry about that fairly stonned and slow on the uptake, lol

Te clones in the pics are a variation, there's some Power Plant, Oasis and Thai Haze.


Active Member
hell yeah..... you always have to have a good variety dont worry!!!!! i just got done with a little wake en bake myself..... i will be slowing down here in a minute.......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hell yeah..... you always have to have a good variety dont worry!!!!! i just got done with a little wake en bake myself..... i will be slowing down here in a minute.......bongsmilie
Oh ya have to go with the variation, after smoking the one spcies for a while you'll grow a customed to the stone and it wont affect you as much, where as if you have that bit of variation it doesn't let your body grow a customed to any one species or strain as you vary what your smoking!!!

Gonna be getting a few different strains intomy grow come feb or march!!!


Well-Known Member
i reckon youll get around half a pound
if you want to make more coin look into getting some steroids fast
just flush it really well
i know heaps of people who do this but i personally wouldnt id just live with what ive got
i reckon if you play your cards right you could make a pound easilly enuff. kinda that is

you never know it might boom an give you 3/4 pound or more :P

i reckon youll clear a pound easily by the end to be truthful and optimistic



Well-Known Member
i reckon youll get around half a pound
if you want to make more coin look into getting some steroids fast
just flush it really well
i know heaps of people who do this but i personally wouldnt id just live with what ive got
i reckon if you play your cards right you could make a pound easilly enuff. kinda that is

you never know it might boom an give you 3/4 pound or more :P

Liking the sound of that Pound etimate!!

What this steroid additivive your talking about dude!!!

Would like to know more about this if you have anymore information i would be gratefull for the insight!!


Well-Known Member
STEROID hormones are not restricted to the animal kingdom. Researchers in California have found that a class of plant steroids, whose function was unknown, are hormones that enable plants to grow normally in response to light.
Steroids contain four rings of carbon atoms and are used by vertebrates as hormones. Androgens, for example, promote the growth of facial hair and muscle in men. Plants also have hormones, but those studied until now have been simpler molecules.
Joanne Chory and her team at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla stumbled upon the hormonal role of plant steroids while studying a mutant of thale cress, Arabidopsis thaliana. The mutants remain stunted and their leaves cannot photosynthesise properly. The researchers pinpointed the defective gene, called det2, and found that it is similar to a human gene that codes for an enzyme used to make androgens.
This suggested that the mutant plants were unable to make a steroid required for growth. The most widespread plant steroids are the brassinosteroids, and the pathway used to make one of these steroids, brassinolide, involves an enzyme similar to that encoded by the det2 gene. When the researchers added brassinolide to det2 mutant seedlings, the plants grew normally ( Science, vol 272, p 398). "Now we have the genetic evidence that if you block synthesis of the steroid, the plant cannot develop," says Jianming Li, one of the researchers.
In the latest issue of Cell (vol 85, p 171), a team led by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne describes other Arabidopsis mutants which underline the hormonal role of plant steroids. The mutants are stunted and have defects in other genes involved in the manufacture of brassinolide.

i only skimmed this "what i read quickly" sort of describes what im on about here

so you know im not just making this up "its also the first page i clicked that sorta explained at leat parts of what im talking about

what a lot of these articles do but dont mention well is the weed aspect

you can get steroids that make it grow better, bud bigger, or just be good for both of them

do a search and find one thats good for budding or fruiting shal we say.. also try stick to the one that works for plants close to weed if you cant get one specifically maybe one that suits the hops plant or something else close to marijuana

what you want is one thats gonna mainly promote your buds to be big and strong

remember you dont really have to worry about the plant they dnt gotta worry about dick shrinkage like we do

sorry i dont remember the name ma mate doesnt either so yeah sorry bout that
sorry for the description it only skims what im on about its so you know there are such things and as i said b4 so u know i aint full of shit

this page may be better for u sorry about the first bit


Well-Known Member
Yea ill go with 3/4 very nice grow be proud think positive they can feel you!!
Thanks dude, I'd really like that to be the case in my final dry weight...

I agree with you and your positive thinking theory, i'm a big believer in positive thinking!!!


Active Member
not ony that but plants actually respond to positive energy........ and no i dont drive a hybrid !!!!! I SMOKE EM !!!!!! HA HA HA