Rough start


Hello dear people, im having next problem so help plz

Basic info:
Barneys Farm Blue Cheese, the attitude seed bank
On this day plant is 28 days old. Time is measured from time when i see MJ showing from soil.
Temp of leafs measured with laser heat meter now: 22.4 C before around 26
Humidity around plant 62 %
hight of plant now 6,7 cm

I start feeding plant 6 days before with, GH Flora and micro, Lucas formula PPM 300. Before this i used natural water from well with PPM 150-170.
PH of water + GH flora and micro is 6.7 to 7 PPM 300 (im feding my plant with this)

Before, when this happend, on older leafs you see yellow spots and some leafs are deformed...

I had different situation...i had plastic pot and that pot hold soil wet for a very long time so i guess it was becouse overwatering + plat was small when i put it under 250 W HPS where temperature was around around plant 26-29 C and i didnt have vent to cool down temperature

New leafs look heathy and when i start fed with Flora and Mirco plant started to grow. Before that she was strugling... Then I changed the pot and now soil get dry in these clay pots... they realy breath better then plastic one...definitly better for noob :)

I just need confirmation is this over watering and over heat...or some other problem...
These yellow spots showed before feding flora and micro and changing the pot

After this mother plant get stronger and bigger i will clone her to hydroponic system...
p.s some images are enhanced for you to see better yellow spots !



??? what's your moisture meter say??^^^ no perlite??

edit: Nice sketch BTW:)


Moisture meter of soil (which is inacurrate) in scale from 1 to 10 i dont remeber well says 1 to 2 now...before i didnt measure it but when i changed the plastic pot soil was wet even i didnt water it for 2 days...but really wet..
Soil PH says 7
RH is around 60 %
Humidifier with 250 ml output is in the secret place !


Well-Known Member
Do me a favor and buff those probes ALL OVER with fine grit sand paper until shiny(it will get way more accurate this way)......then place it in the soil and give me a moisture & ph reading....

edit: for the PH reading your gonna make sure the medium is WET/ just watered for an accurate reading.....


Well-Known Member
Just a note, the clay doesn't really 'breathe better', but it is porous, and absorbs a certain amount of moisture. :)



Thank you for your answers...

I did as you said and i buff those probes ALL OVER with fine grit sand paper until shiny !
Now they are shinig and showing next data:

Moist of soil : 2 (after watering)
PH: 7

Today i mix new soultion of Micro and Bloom. Solution data folows :
PH 5.8
PPM 496 (this is my first rise of PPM from 300 to 496)

Temperature of leafs measured with laser meter is 22.8 (highest)
Humidity 63 %

Today is 29th day

Fresh images are here ...


Active Member
Are you growing in coco? I didn't catch which medium you're using... Just a heads up, Barney's farm is a nightmare source for genetics! If this is coco, and it looks like it, you want 30% run off at this point especially. If you don't have run off your rhizosphere is going to hold all those nutrients, they must be flushed out with new food. Try flushing with water once a week as well. Run off, and flushing is very important. When you flush, use a light mix of veg nutrient and cal/mag. The bright green could be from a little bit of deficiency showing. Your pH is good, but I would keep it up around 6 during this stage of growth. I'll check back soon, hope this helps



Are you growing in coco? I didn't catch which medium you're using... Just a heads up, Barney's farm is a nightmare source for genetics! If this is coco, and it looks like it, you want 30% run off at this point especially. If you don't have run off your rhizosphere is going to hold all those nutrients, they must be flushed out with new food. Try flushing with water once a week as well. Run off, and flushing is very important. When you flush, use a light mix of veg nutrient and cal/mag. The bright green could be from a little bit of deficiency showing. Your pH is good, but I would keep it up around 6 during this stage of growth. I'll check back soon, hope this helps

Thx Neb, i will read more about flashing .. . .

  • I used FLORAHUM - S Potting Soil (PH range (H2O) 6-6,5
    Its a basic soil for plants at my place !
  • no perilite



Well-Known Member
Did you check if the meter works (dipping it in an acidic liquid: lemon/orange/whatever juice).....???.....7 ph is high/need to slightly lower it if this is the right reading( sawdust/woodchips/composted leaves/ peatmoss any one of these will help)

at 29 days your girl is small--stunted by the pot and maybe need to transplant, add perlite to mix and easy on the nutes/ go without IMO for ten-14days see if the growth looks better before flipping to flower.........good luck grower

When you transplant use a light pot(not clay) so you can tell their thirst by the weight of it.....


Today i will make test with soil meter.
When i cleaned it yesterday PH droped down and moist rise a little bit. Today i will do neccesery checks.
I guess she was stunted by over watering + higher temperatures at start and after changing plastic pot to clay she started to grow...(cos problem of owerwating was fixed + i increased light distance + vent)
I will change soil and mix it with perlite + i will try to find square pot cos i read somewhere that roots grow better in square ones, more efficiant.

thank you for your time !


Hello, can anyone help me,
please take a look at picture and help me figure out is this male organ (dick:)) on my feminized blue cheese ?
