Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Know card that's something i have a lot of at the moment! B & Q are nice like that and tend to over pack everything lol.

i would just put them on a cardboard try like u get with tins and put them in a dark airy place after u have got rid of the grey bud rot, it should dry quicker in smaller parts so keep checking and if u need to put back in the jar.

mr west

Well-Known Member
that'll do the trick, it'll absorb all the moisture from the buds. So, what flat pack stuff did u get??


Well-Known Member
lol, long story i didn't my dad decided he wanted to bulid an unsuite! yep you heard me right so he went to B & Q and bought all the stuff to bulid one, plaster board and everything he's a machanic not a builder by the way! Anyway i ened up with some of the box needed them for storage happen to still have some left over.

that'll do the trick, it'll absorb all the moisture from the buds. So, what flat pack stuff did u get??


Well-Known Member
lol yer that's the one mr west!

I'm not sure if it was bud rot now or if she was just covered in trics lol, the top the bit i thought had bud rot well after letting it sit on my table for an hour i decided i'd try break it up, and it was really dry! I mean too dry it just crumbbled to dust basically in my hands. Jut broke the rest of her buds up smaller and put them back in the jar and there nothing like the top bit, there still very sticky in the middle and not crispy, so i dunno anymore lol.

After reading what you put in queenbees thread about keeping the shit that your hands get covered in i thought hmmmm lol, i might give that a try, so when i broke her up i didn't wear any gloves and my hands got covered now i have a little ball of black gue lol, i'm willing to try anything once mr west but this seems a bit extream to me lmao, better be good i wil let you know later on when i light it up, not impressed that i know have slightly sticky hands though it has to be said lol. Will upade soon with ome pics just off to have my tea first.

en suite you mean by any chance? its french hehehe i didnt see that one coming lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
will u be smoking he finger hash in a pipe? It will make u cough a bit lol if ur too greedy with it but it tastes out of this world and gets u smashed if u smoke enough of it but i bet you only got like 1 hits worth dipending on how much u handeled it. Yeah bud rot is quite dry and grey and not worth smoking although i have smoked it and it worked but its bad for ur health those spores in ya lungs not really good lol


Well-Known Member
So here is the pics. i said i would upload.

First Trinity before i knew about the bud rot.


Pics of what's left know i have got rid of the bud rot. :(


mr west

Well-Known Member
aww u must be a little gutted by that hmmm, i know i would be. Whats left looks good tho hmmmm yummy hmmm


Well-Known Member
yer i'm a bit gutted but i didn't expect to get everything right with this being my first proper grow. Haha i'm properly going to smoke it anways in a mo cos i'm past caring today now.

aww u must be a little gutted by that hmmm, i know i would be. Whats left looks good tho hmmmm yummy hmmm

mr west

Well-Known Member
:joint:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:eyesmoke: thanks hmmmm, jus me an u now all my friends have gone home to bed lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
lolill got a joint left to smoke so ill be up for a little bit longer lol puff puff pas>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
I know it's a bit late now but oh well lol. My scales finally arrived yesterday so i weighed what is left of her and there i 14g, just a shame i didn't have them to start with so i could get her total weight.


Well-Known Member
Hey hmmmm what nute's did you use for your ryder grow? i wont be feeding for five weeks but so i can get an idea of which to get (dont want big expensive nutes for my first grow.)


Well-Known Member
I didn't use any nutes apart from some organic blood fish and bone when i repotted her.

Hey hmmmm what nute's did you use for your ryder grow? i wont be feeding for five weeks but so i can get an idea of which to get (dont want big expensive nutes for my first grow.)