Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
I think she will be done in about a week or so. As for how many days flowering i have no idea. Didn't keep track with it being an autoflowering strain.

Im officially using Trinity as an example of what mine should look like! She looks so good. I hope mine grow up to be like her :) Any ideas when she'll be done? Is it meant to be 67 days or something?
how many days flowering are you now?


Well-Known Member
Well the side lighting had to go, she was just to big and bushy and it was a squeeze to get her and the side lighting in, in the first place, she most have got bushier or something cos the side lighting will no longer fit with her in the cab. So back to just the 125watt dual cfl now. I dunno if this important or not, but quiet a lot of the hairs on her have turnend brown/amber. Does that mean she is nearly ready? Or can't you really go by the coulor of her hairs? Also she is getting a bit top heavy now and is leaning, thinking she maybe needs some kind of surport before she falls over? Not sure it's worth the effort or the stress to her at this stage though. As always all comments welcome!



Well-Known Member
This is off a website:
"The coloration of the gland heads can vary with different strains and maturity, but most start with clear or slightly amber heads that gradually become cloudy or opaque when THC levels have peaked and are beginning to degrade. Regardless of the initial color of the trichomes, with careful observation you should be able to see a change in coloration as maturity levels off. Some cultivators wait for about half of the trichomes to go opaque before harvesting to ensure maximum THC levels in the finished product. However, you will also want to try samples at various stages to see what is best for you."

Alse seen this:
"A rough guide as to when to harvest is to wait until 50%-80% of the white pistils (hairs) have turned dark (usually brown or red). ..."

It seems like the easiest way is to go by the colour of the pistils... maybe?! I like the way shes leaning coz shes so heavy with bud. Mmmm


Active Member
i would just make sure she doesnt fall over and snap, to just support her with a little play...and i have no idea about harvesting..


Active Member
Hey, You're using Envirolites for lighting, right ?
I noticed that the lamp was really far from Trinity when she was just vegging. You can let it be nearer to the plant( about 7-10cm), because Envirolites don't get so hot... and also your plant won't strech.
Ummmm, your lamps were with blue or red spectrum?

Really nice plant though, when you gonna harvest it ?


Well-Known Member
Yes it's an envirolight and yep its a blue and red spectrum one, only 125watts thougvh.

Yer that was the main mistake i made having the light too far away in the first few weeks, she proberly wouldn't be as leggy if i had of had kept the light closer from the start, learn from your mistakes i guess. I'll know better next time round!

As for when to harvest i have no idea, well i have a rough idea somewhere around 9 weeks i think she should be ready to harvest, don't have a scope though so it's making things a little bit difficult! Thanks for dropping in.

Hey, You're using Envirolites for lighting, right ?
I noticed that the lamp was really far from Trinity when she was just vegging. You can let it be nearer to the plant( about 7-10cm), because Envirolites don't get so hot... and also your plant won't strech.
Ummmm, your lamps were with blue or red spectrum?

Really nice plant though, when you gonna harvest it ?


Well-Known Member
I have been really busy today and by the time i got round to checking Trinty it was 5mins till lights went off, so i havn't had the chance to try and surport her in anyway, hope she will be ok till tomorrow think she should be fine after all she is only leaning a bit.

i would just make sure she doesnt fall over and snap, to just support her with a little play...and i have no idea about harvesting..


Well-Known Member
Just some pics of Trinity. You can see kinda in some of the pics her hairs are getting darker and daker and more of them are turning yellow/brown by the day, i really should have bought a scope just can't afford one at the moment. :(


mr west

Well-Known Member
i took a tester bud frommy dlr yesterday and quck dried it on the back of my light. The shit smelt of grapefruits more than a freashly cut grapefruit. Its smoke was divine compared to the shit i have been smoking. So i gave her a final flush with molasses and il chop her at the end of the weekend or maybe on wednesday see how it goes. Shes 9 weeks on friday.


Well-Known Member
I took a small bud off the bottom of her yesterday to test. But i havn't smoked it yet! lol. I was letting it dry slowly but i have had an extreamly stressful day so looks like that is the end of that think it's off on top of my tv for a couple of hours then i'm smoking it. I'm going to have all on not to go chop some more off her and quick dry it with the day i have had. I need to chill out!

i took a tester bud frommy dlr yesterday and quck dried it on the back of my light. The shit smelt of grapefruits more than a freashly cut grapefruit. Its smoke was divine compared to the shit i have been smoking. So i gave her a final flush with molasses and il chop her at the end of the weekend or maybe on wednesday see how it goes. Shes 9 weeks on friday.

mr west

Well-Known Member
try not to chop it all man urll be happier if u do it wen its ready. All that time growing and loving, be a shame to end like that. I really wanna cut min but im being strong and smoking rubbish weed and soap. Go buy some beer if ur that stressed, or maybe the tester bud will be enough. Hope t works out man have some of mne lol puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
lol thx mr west, puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

try not to chop it all man urll be happier if u do it wen its ready. All that time growing and loving, be a shame to end like that. I really wanna cut min but im being strong and smoking rubbish weed and soap. Go buy some beer if ur that stressed, or maybe the tester bud will be enough. Hope t works out man have some of mne lol puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
this is the hardest part of growing if ur grow goes ok. The waiting is a test, just like wen u first meet a girl lol