Round 2: Mystery Indicas


Well-Known Member
IMAG0683-1.jpgIMAG0684-1.jpgIMAG0685-1.jpg<--some kinda deficiency. I'm guessing because they went without water and a feeding for a bit maybe??? Just transplanted today so hopefully it reverses with the nutes from the soil. I'll keep an eye on it for sure and i'm going to get nutes in a few days anyway. Trying to hunt down Biovegga Canna but might have to go with something else. What's the next best thing for Organic fert?


Well-Known Member
ok well from what i've been looking up i guess the dieselxtrainwreck is a sativa and these obviously aren't. Has anyone heard of the Diesel/TW to be indica??


Well-Known Member
I was also thinking mag def myself. They were being fed biovega canna nutes but when they were given to me they had no light water and food for i don't know how long. But since i transplanted that yellow has turned back into green.Not fully but they look a lot better..I can't find canna nutes anywhere around me so ill most likely be using EarthJuice through the whole grow after they feed off the soil for a bit..

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
If it is Mg, then Epsom Salt is very cheap and it's water-soluble, so you could probably see the effect fairly quickly. You might want to try it with just one of them. How many bulbs are in your fixture?


Well-Known Member
right now i have two t12s 40w not the best but its what i got. Im adding like 6 26w regular cfls today for around the plants. And since i transplanted that yellow has turned darker green for sure! But i will keep an eye on them as always :)

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
Awesome! I'm battling a little issue with a couple of mine as well. I'm sure they'll be all right though. I have Noob Nerves!


Well-Known Member
It gets easier :) my first real grow was def a huge learning experience and im more stress free now..although this is my first organic grow im still less in and out of my grow room non stop.

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
Haha! Yep.. that's me all the way. If it were practical I would have already put the tent right next to my couch.