Round 2 (round 1 failed)


Active Member
Alright... day 12... I took some pics... the plants are getting bushy but not really that tall... is that just how this strain probably is?

I watered it 4 days ago... and the soil is now getting pretty dry... but 3 of my plants have yellowing leaves... I am not using nutes... and this is in FFOF soil.... watered every 4 days... is it a sign of nute deficiency? .....

I have a thread about my living organism in my soil... ... this couldnt be the cause of it right?

I also have pics of the roots and how they are now... is it root bound yet?... it has formed a ring on the bottom of the cup... but its only 12days old

here are a ton of pics!... you can see the yellowing clearly.



Active Member
I also have a really short quick video ( my camera ran out of memory, I forgot I was using the free 32mb starter card)


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro, keep vegging until you have at least 3 whole leaf sets before transplanting into a bigger pot.


Active Member
Alright here is an update... 16days old... the yellowing doesnt look all that good at all... but the rest of the plant is growing fine... I also started noticing dark brown spots on one of the plants

and out of the 4... 1 looks freaking healthy as hell and tall.... but not as bushy.

also have a video



Active Member
Alright... update... im at the 30day mark right now... at 3 weeks, I transplanted them into 2gal containers, FFOF/perlite 70/30 mix

they seemed to have taken well to the transplant as I noticed them getting taller

but I am concerned.... after comparing it with other people's one month mark... my plants look like dwarfs... they are only about 5 inches tall...

what gives?..should I make my lights further?... they are at 3inches distance.

still no nutes... and I lost a few more sets of leaves to the yellowing... I think they have called it quits finally as far as yellowing goes...

temps are at 79-83 depending on the weather.

I have a bunch of pics... the pic of the thermometer is to show the size of the plants in comparison and, I have a short vid.

fire away with opinions/suggestions etc.



Active Member
you need to dtain the water with holes
the pots have 5 large holes in them already...

and I barely watered it after the transplant... just the moisture thats in the fresh soil.. and maybe 10oz of water sprinkled here and there....

1 week later and the plants haven't wilted.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, those few leaves that are yellow and crispy are no big deal, its bad when every leaf on the thing is like that. A few bad leaves here and there are no biggie.