Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.


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Ok... So here we go! At first my initial plan was to try and squeeze a 32 plant hydro set, with 400 watt hps into a 3x7x6 foot room but then I decided should go a bit bigger to get the results i wanted. The system is still in the works but I have already started the plants. I plan to throw in more details/pics as I go along but for now here is the jist of it.

The first grow will be done in fox farms ocean forest soil with added perlite using organic Botanicare pro veg and pro bloom nutes with a bit of molasses. I'm about 2-3 weeks in on some of my plants as you can see in the pics. I plan on mothering and taking cuttings off them next week. The goal is to get about 1.5 lbs every month to month and a half with the future goal being an aero systems with 2lbs every month.

I'm building a 4 stage grow system with 2 separate boxes and 4 chambers. One box is 3.5'long by 7'wide by 6'tall and its about internal space is about ~150 cubic feet holding 3 chambers. The other is 5'long by 10' wide by 8' tall with about 400 cubic feet holding flower finishing chamber. I haven't taken the inner dimensions yet but I'll let you know soon.

My plan is to divide the smaller room into 3 chambers. One for clones, one for mothers, and one for veg. The big room will be my flower finishing chamber and that will host the stadium.

In the first box, the clone chamber will be running a 120 Watt Hydrofarm CFL in a 2.5'x3.5'x2' room with 2 4" inline fans running at 80cfm, one going in and one going out. The mother chamber will be using a 150 watt hps in a 2.5'x3.5'x4' room, running 2 4" duct fans running in and out. Lastly the veg chamber will be running a 600 watt HPS in a 4.5'x3.5'x6' room, running one 4" intake and one 6" exhaust fan. Each room has its own ventilation but they all pull in and exhaust through the veg chamber. The big flower room is just running 1 1000 watt hps and two 6" intake and exhaust fans. Each box will get its own co2 bottle with reg and oscillating fans and has all of the walls lined with foam mylar or white poly.

I plan to only have the plants in each chamber for 2-3 weeks, with the finishing chamber holding about 18-24 4'-5' plants. I'm gonna start with soil but when I start the clones I will be changing each room as I go to a aeroponic system. I was initially gonna do hydro as per the pics but I think in the end aero is the easiest way to go. Thats it for the most part let me know if you have any questions. I'll add more info as we move along and lets hope for a late December harvest. :leaf::hump:

Does anyone have any good soil nute recipes?

Heres a link to my last indoor grow under the 250 hps, no nutes just water n fox farms.

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I gave them the first round of nutes yesterday, all except the ones in the clones room since they've been struggling a bit. They responded pretty well. I'm hoping to pull about 20 cuttings next weekend if all goes well. I might up the ppm a little bit too.


Active Member
changing it up a little. we moved the 600 watt to the main room and I found 8x 40 watt t12s lying around that Im going to use for veg. since that freed up our 600, we decided to get another 600 for the flower room instead of the 1000 and my buddys giving me back my 250 watts. So in the flower room we should have 2x 600w hps and 1x 250w hps for 1450 watts total in a 500cf box and our aim is still 32 4 foot plants.

we are almost fully complete with the setup, most of the fans came in this week, we are just waiting on one more light to come in and for these babies to grow! our 15 clones are about 1-2 feet now and we plan to take about 30 cuttings from them this weekend. I'll post some pics of that this weekend.


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if you've done something similar and have any advice or just wanna show some love feel free to post. its lonely in here =)


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did some cloning and some work on the grow rooms this weekend and it seems one of the clones i put in a dirt cup last week has rooted this week. so hopefully my clone room temps are good.

we made about 50 clones this week, 20 in root shooters, 20 in rockwool and 8 in the aerocloner. hopefully we get some more good roots this weekend. we hope to be ready for for the first batch of flower in 3 weeks.


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more pics, these were some i forgot to upload

