round 3. critical mass cbd, liberty haze 125w envirolight pc grow


Active Member
so its grow number 3, welcome to anybody having a look over this thread!

last couple of times i have grown autos, this time i am trying usual strains. i dont have any pictures from seed or veg so its straight on the flower!

strains - cbd crew critical mass, barneys farm liberty haze
soil - gold label special mix bought from local hydro store
nutes - haven't fed anything through the entire veg phase but am using biobizz bloom 2-6-3.5 for the entire flowering phase

setup is very simple. old pc case with 2 pc fans on the back for outtake and 1 pc fan on the front of the case for intake/light cooling. i use a 125w envirolight cfl 2700k. yes i know i should use a cool light for vegging but it hasn't seemed to do the plants any harm using a red spectrum so far. i don't have proper facilities to set up a proper grow room yet but someday i will.

compared to my first 2 grows with autos these plants have been a pain to keep under control since i'm not used to the stretch phase and had a little problem to start. i planted both seeds at the same time but i thought the critical mass wasn't going to make it, only 1 seedling leaf appeared and didn't start to grow proper leaves until about 2 weeks in meaning the liberty haze was miles ahead. i gave it another week to veg and then had to switch or they would just get out of control in such a small space. i am lsting them simply using that green garden string stuff and duct tape, simple but effective.

think thats the lowdown so far anyways. the plants in the pictures below are 39 days from seed and just over a week flowering. and yes i am very limited to space! if worst comes to worst i am going to build a new home for them with a little more head room but they are good for the time being (am just lazy really!)

both plants together

critical mass

liberty haze

the plants are a little older as i type but i have lent my camera to a friend for a bit. once i get it back i will upload some newer ones. and any questions just ask.

hope you all enjoy watching how they turn out through flower! know i will.



Active Member
ok. got my camera back now, time to see how they're getting along. on day 54 from seed now and approx 3 weeks into flower (cant remember the day i switched to 12/12 so ill have a bit of guess work when it comes to chopping)
the ladies are starting to smell quite nice now and the buds are finally onto fattening.



liberty lst

critical mass

critical mass

liberty canopy


so i am a little surprised at how much the critical mass has caught up since it was a couple of weeks behind. it is frostier than the liberty haze and also smells more. only downside is that it's pretty lanky.

and sorry my photography isn't the best haha


Active Member
righto guys its time to update and see how the ladies are doing. not much to say apart from they're fattening up now. am surprised on how well the critical mass has caught up to say it was well behind to start with. day 63 from seed and around week 4 day 5 of flower.









CM bud

both crammed together



i am feeding biobizz bloom at 5ml per litre as it says on the bottle. the liberty haze is yellowing on the lower leaves a bit. does it look like i need to feed a bit more? buds don't seem to be bulking as much as the CM. room they're are in is starting to smell up quite a bit now too.

anyways let us know what you guys think. am not impressed myself so far if im honest : / we'll see how they turn out in the next few weeks.


ii dP ii

I'm no expert on nutes and whatnot, I've only completed one grow so far, but one of my girls leaves started yellowing around 4-6 weeks into flower too, I just let it go since I wasn't using any nutes anyway except molasses.

other than that man looks awesome to me. you'll probably pull over a 1/4 oz from them easy. maybe even a 1/2.


Active Member
ta n welcome. i wasnt too worried since there's low nitrogen in this fertilizer but i was just comparing the two. the critical mass smells really nice so far. its kind of fruity/citrusy and is stinking my room out haha.

made myself a homemade c02 filter which ill upload pics of next time and have some ona if the filter doesn't improve it. just worried now the humidity is hanging around 65 or so since it's been raining a lot : /


Active Member
quick update! buds are fattening up nicely now. day 71 from seed and approx day 39 flowering.

critical mass

critical mass bud

liberty haze

liberty haze bud

the liberty haze smells really weird. its a very sickly smell im not sure if i like it haha. critical is citrusy and very pungent!

if all goes to plan then critical mass will be harvested in 2 weeks but we'll see when we get there. LH is lagging a little behind i might leave to flower another week or so after the 8 week mark. would you people worry about a little nitrogen deficiency at this stage since its the natural process and all?

let us know what you guys think.



Active Member
update time people! day 52 of flower. only a week or two at max until the chop :D

going to give the liberty 1 more feed then use straight water for the remainder.




am looking forward most to trying the critical mass it smells beautiful.
ive been lucky they haven't outgrown their home haha. buds are fattening up nicely now. i cant wait until chop! its taking too long. patience is key here : /

peace for now


Well-Known Member
I grew 2 liberty haze from seed. One went 65 days one 80 days. The smell for sure is def on the ass/shit/yak smell.
The 80 day was much better green in my opinion yielded about 3 ounces off that and 2.5 ounces off the 65 day pheno.
all was done under 500 true watts of cfl in a 2x2x4 foot cab.

By the looks of your liberty I would say its more sativa Dom. Which would lead me to believe you will be going a bit longer.
The 65 day pheno was higher calyx to leaf and chunkier fatter buds.

Hope this helps a bit and good luck on the finish


Active Member
cheers for stopping by. like i said one more feed then straight up water to let it do its thing.

i was literally just looking at the liberty and thinking it might need to go a little longer, it just doesn't look that close imo. loads of white hairs still etc and ive noticed there's quite a lot of leave on it. want it to fatten up quite a lot more. hope this stuff smokes well too, i tried it in amsterdam when it won the 2011 cup and it really nice. had a strong citrus punch to it.

was so close to picking a bud off the critical to test but ive been holding myself back haha. its been an awesome strain so far, super easy to grow, no problems with it, stinks and is a full on producer. would love to grow a full on size plant of this stuff. any one tried cbd strains before? what high etc do they give? is it less intense than high thc?


Active Member
update time! i have literally just chopped the critical mass. it has been flowering approx 63 days in total but not 100% positive. the main reason i chopped it is because of the smell which i underestimated haha no c02 filter attached (i have been too lazy)

pulled a little tester off her the other night and got to say i was quite impressed. wasn't the strongest high but was very clean and tasted nice to say how fast i dried it.

picture time anyways.








CM with leaves pulled off


all cut and started tying string to dry

ok so overall i am quite happy with the result i have got. the buds aren't that dense so if i ever grow again i will upgrade my setup to a hps etc

i will return with more pics once its dried so you can see results.

hope you enjoy.


Well-Known Member
great job....also in ur pix looked like ur leaves turned yellow to white ..if so ur bleaching ur plant and that not good ... maybe the light was too close


Active Member
for those of you following this i have chopped the liberty haze down. i kind of fucked up.

came to the plant yesterday evening to find the tops closest to the light have all dried up. think it has been a mixture of adding my home made c02 filter (reducing airflow), having the light so close and skipping a days watering since i had buddies over and couldn't go water because not all of them know!

the parts which have dried i crumbled off (looks to be approx 2-3 grams so not much) to have for tester smoke and the rest is drying out. the stuff drying out doesnt smell that cracking but we'll see how it turns out once its finished. the tester smoke isnt too bad tbh, though its bone dry and a little harsh am impressed with the high.

critical mass has a day or so to dry then will put in a jar to cure n smoke. i will get pics of the dried product but it will be hard for me to get the weight since i don't have any digital scales around (will see what i can do though)

if i grow again i will defo learn from this mistake and will do things wildly different like a new grow room set up, new lights and fert etc. where i am living at the minute though its kind of hard for me to do so will see what happens in the future. i still love browsing the site looking at all the fine buds!


Active Member
anyway guys this is the finished product.

critical mass

liberty haze

CM left LH right

dried for a week or so on both but was a little hard with out central heating on in house.

as you can see liberty haze isn't that green since i nearly killed it. its quite nice smoke though its definitely got a very hazy taste and the high gives a very nice buzz. just not got much a strong smell even thought its been curing.the critical mass seems more mellow and doesn't give such a strong buzz compared. a nice smell too kind of fruity.

i haven't got any scales but i'm guessing half ounce but its hard to tell. the buds are not that dense but have smoked a little bit before the pictures. i don't smoke too much so this will last me a couple months at most and its better than nothing.

been curing for a couple of weeks now too.

think thats all for that. if i was to grow again it will be when i move place for a better setup with hps etc and a little more privacy.



Well-Known Member
looks good buddy.
i just harvested 3 liberty haze outdoor ended up with about 2 ounces.
you are right the smell is much to ask for just not there.
give it a 2 month cure it will get a musty almost mildewy smell and taste like an earthy incence.


Active Member
cheers. it will continue to cure until its all smoked lol. its got a very nice high though if you'll agree with that, it hits me right at the front of my head.