Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil


Well-Known Member
awesome brandon, congratulations on finishing your internship. now all thats left to do is harvest your prize and smoke some fat ones.

F2H :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The plants are doing well, very very well! Today I took about an hour and cleaned out below them and put in some stakes attempting to support branches. I also pruned many branches under the canopy that weren't going to produce anything. The Vortex stems are so long and thin, they're almost like vines lol :sad:. Today was a little windy and they were getting tossed around! Day by day each of the girls grow more plump, and the plushberry seems to be catching up in resin and weight! Just feeding molasses every watering now.... I think...?

Vanessa is by far the most resinous plant. The leaves around the bud sites are covered in trichomes, it's beatiful and pleasing :mrgreen:. The smell on her is very hard to describe, it's pretty strong. It's very funky, and very fruity, but it almost has a fuel burn smell to it, I LOVE IT! I really can't wait to be smoking/vaping on this buds in a few months :D.


This girl is awesome! I really feel kind of bad for the situation I put Vivian and Phoebe into.... Vanessa is all loving her own hole, thriving out and growing strong roots in her well drained soil. The hole V and P are SHARING has much worse drainage and I water it 1/3 as often as Vanessa's hole (I'm thinking Vanessa's slowly leaks in and waters their hole too? Idk, I will never space holes the way I did ever again.. lol). Because of this poor drainage Vivian couldn't get a strong support system, and began to fall over on herself due to her weight from above. I placed an angled log to support her, but my efforts were in vain as she continued to fall over on herself lol. Now she has become the floppy, misshapen mass you see below. She is a beautiful plant though, not as resinous as Vanessa but her stems are much stronger, and she appears to be a larger yielder. From what I can tell her smell is similar to Vanessa just not as strong.

Phoebe is doing amazing!!! Her stalks are nice and sturdy and thick, make both of the Vortex's look like little vines lol. She is filling out very nicely and is beginning to get very resinous. In ranking from most resin to least resin as of right now it is Vanessa > Phoebe > Vivian. :D From what I can tell she smells very very sweet with a slight berry aroma... almost like blueberries but I don't know how I think I know what blueberries smell like, if that makes sense lol



Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of updates everyone, the problem is is I moved and my parents finished up the grow successfully. I have some pics I took the day before I left saved on the camera at home, I'll post when I return. I really wish I could have been there for the end, I think the final product would have been a bit better than it was and a bit smoother and easier for my parents. I am now smoking on a big jar of Vortex, which is awesome! Much better than the RD or DV I had last year, smells better, gets me a nicer, clearer high, and it burns to a nice white ash. It smells very strongly of a pungent, almost fuel-like, sour smell with a citrus-y tone. I can't wait to try the Plushberry Phoebe, my friends at home who have tried it say it's very very sweet and smells like berry but doesn't really taste like it, and it produces a nice balanced high, not exhilarating like the Vortex.

My major mistakes/things I was not satisfied with for this year were: I did not support the plant well as it grew, I did not space plants well AT ALL, Need to grow a more cola dominant strain, Start seeds with better success or order more seeds, Better job at main lining the plant and manipulating it's branches while it's young to have hubs closer together.

I really hope I have the opportunity to raise some babies into maturation next year as well. Definitely going to go with super soil mixture again next year if so. Maybe a SCroG system as well.... Hmm.... lots of reading to do until February rolls around :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I feel like a fool, never uploaded those pics for months and months, now that I look back into my photobucket I see the last photos I took and I must upload them, even if it's very late.... So here are some pictures from last year. The harvest is just about gone, but forever there will be memories. I love this weed, Vortex has turned into my favorite strain :mrgreen: when I have an indoor set up in the future I will definitely be running it...
