RSO vs Infused EVO medical benifits


Well-Known Member
Both Ricks solvents of choice and Olive oil are limited in how much oil they will dissolve, before becoming saturated.

Volatile solvents can be evaporated away to increase concentration, but not vegetable oils, so even if they extract all of the targeted elements, the concentration will be less.

Sooooo, that begs the question of whether they extract the terpenes, including the diterpene cannabinoids, to which I note some thoughts.

Monoterpene content will be proportionally higher, because no solvents were evaporated off. Just increasing the dosage won't have the same effects, because the ratios will be different.

All of the terpenes have medicinal properties, and some can induce allergic response in concentration, so while preserving each and every one of them may sound and feel salubrious, taint necessarily always so.

To those whom want to argue the differences in extraction ability of naphtha and olive oil, consider that the terpenes are primarily concentrated in the trichome heads, and if you examine the plant material before and after extraction, those glands are gone in both cases, thus begging the question of where they went???

Both naphtha and olive oil both have a low dielectric constant, and both have the ability to dissolve and hold the low dielectric-constant aromatic- hydrocarbon terpenes in solution.