
Wow the lowlifes are out in force tonight.
I would recommend roach spray for them Winter.

you believe in depriving people of civil rights and equal access to goods and services if they are gay, yet you call us lowlives?

you were banned once, toolwoman. that should have been your hint.
If they can't talk amicably then I'll block 'em. Done.

They lower themselves to personal attacks when they have nothing intellectual to say.

It's not a personal attack. And I am sure there are some guys who actually like the "big uns"

So how about just a picture of your ankle?
So you try to make it personal? How very sad that you can't use your intellect instead. You must be attending junior college.
So you try to make it personal? How very sad that you can't use your intellect instead. You must be attending junior college.

That's a fact winter woman.
They can't win their arguments on the merits, so they're reduced to this.
I find it especially unbecoming of a lady to join in.
That's a fact winter woman.
They can't win their arguments on the merits, so they're reduced to this.
I find it especially unbecoming of a lady to join in.

seriously? i'm not the one who was shown the door and told to hoof it by rolli; then had to resurrect and old sock puppet because i have nothing else in my life but a wife "i can't stand to look at"..cowering in fear on a '98 dell that has to be minimized every time she walks by..

very interesting that winter was banned..women of means and intellect and all:lol:
seriously? i'm not the one who was shown the door and told to hoof it by rolli; then had to resurrect and old sock puppet because i have nothing else in my life but a wife "i can't stand to look at"..cowering in fear on a '98 dell that has to be minimized every time she walks by..

very interesting that winter was banned..women of means and intellect and all:lol:

Whatever, the fact is you avoided a simple question and tried to change the subject.
You can think what you want about me, start a new thread if you like, but it has nothing to do with your personal attacks on other members, namely winter woman.
If she partakes in the same tactics, then you are right, she gets what she gives.

So it's simple, back up that claim of yours and let the chips fall where they may.
seriously? i'm not the one who was shown the door and told to hoof it by rolli; then had to resurrect and old sock puppet because i have nothing else in my life but a wife "i can't stand to look at"..cowering in fear on a '98 dell that has to be minimized every time she walks by..

very interesting that winter was banned..women of means and intellect and all:lol:

I have never been banned and that is a fact. It is interesting that you like to attack other women, you seem to have issues. I have chosen to stay away because it eats up my time when I need to complete projects and at those times I stop RIU. Ask Rolli or any mod have I been banned and the answer will be NO.
I have never been banned and that is a fact. It is interesting that you like to attack other women, you seem to have issues. I have chosen to stay away because it eats up my time when I need to complete projects and at those times I stop RIU. Ask Rolli or any mod have I been banned and the answer will be NO.

They try the same tactics with me and others, it's their deplorable attempt to marginalize people they disagree with.
I don't feed into their garbage anymore, stick to the issues and facts, it works like pest repellant.