
I read your article and the ones I posted. I don't think a guy who was emailing Karl Rove words of encouragement back in 2004, was offered a job with the John McCain campaign in 2006, and writes articles like those listed above, leans left.

It's just my opinion. Lord knows more folks on here, would probably agree with you.

Thanks for your refreshingly thoughtful and civil response

In any event, Fornier is not right leaning or tilting as you seem to claim. His overall body of work betrays this notion, IMHO.
I never said he was a leftie (simply left leaning).
I will concede, perhaps, that nowadays, he is maybe a little less left of center, but is clearly not a right wing pundit.
In my estimation he is becoming more objective these days, as evidenced by his recognition of Obamas deficiency of political leadership skills.
I read your article and the ones I posted. I don't think a guy who was emailing Karl Rove words of encouragement back in 2004, was offered a job with the John McCain campaign in 2006, and writes articles like those listed above, leans left.

It's just my opinion. Lord knows more folks on here, would probably agree with you.

wooooooops, waffles got caught lying AGAIN.

So I guess this months coordinated attack is
"Obama is weak"
Yet in Libya he was a War lord

I dont think sane people listen to the right wing anymore
Wow, what further evidence is required to demonstrate that the apoplectic fit and sputtering rage displayed in the shrill Bucky posts above reflects panic and desperation on the part of the inimitable Buckster.
Everyone knows that you did not bother to read even one word in any of the links in my post, and yet you spout like a sputtering roman candle of personal attacks. Discrediting the people and sources whose points you find intolerable and incorrect negates any need for you to engage in any serious discussion. So by default you think you win...however, Your hyper flailing and indulgence in the shelter of ad hominems contradicts that.
Wow, what further evidence is required to demonstrate that the apoplectic fit and sputtering rage displayed in the shrill Bucky posts above reflects panic and desperation on the part of the inimitable Buckster.
Everyone knows that you did not bother to read even one word in any of the links in my post, and yet you spout like a sputtering roman candle of personal attacks. Discrediting the people and sources whose points you find intolerable and incorrect negates any need for you to engage in any serious discussion. So by default you think you win...however, Your hyper flailing and indulgence in the shelter of ad hominems contradicts that.

so is obama a weak feckless "limp-wristed" (your homophobic statement, not mine) loser, or is he a despotic tyrannical dictator king?

because you idiots have told us both tales of obama.

and you wonder why no one wants to engage you racist idiots in serious discussion. the answer lies within your own piles of stupidity.
And he doesn't know the difference between Corpsman and Corpes Man. He did it not once but twice.
