Rubbermaid 12/12 from bagseed grow


Active Member
I am using MG soil and I do have veg nutes but didnt think I was going to use them since I am doin 12/ I should use veg nutes instead of flowering nutes...coco is not an option for me...


Well-Known Member
In 12/12 from seed has a veg. period as the plant build a root system and get ready for flower. I used Mg soil a lot but got tired of bugs. just water with that soil and let it dry out before adding water because you can raise your ph and cause nute lockout, which I learned the hard way. After 3 weeks you can add grow nutes, there should a base grow with the stuff you got if it a bloom nute. Most nute systems have a two part base nutes , plus additives, a grow and a bloom. Veg and flower. Got to go bed. I check in morning and see if you got more question. Check out the 12/12 from seed thread.


Active Member
So what exactly is the nute schedule for 12/12? I am going to wait for atleast another week to make it 3 weeks...than I am assuming from ur reply I am goin to add veg. the veg cycle shorter using 12/12 cause to be honest I thought I was suppose to skip it all together


Well-Known Member
No, It still has to grow. !2/12 from seed runs 10 to 12 weeks. After another week start adding veg nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 what the nute you are using and see how it does. About half way thru 5 to 6 week start your flower nutes. You can sex them after 3 to 5 weeks. The veg nute put nitrogen in there which plant need. The flower has the Cal-mag for blooming. You are not going to need a lot of


Active Member
Wow man...couldnt ask for a better reply...thanks alot!! more long shld I wait to lst...nvr did it before so might just do it to one.


Active Member
Ok...just woke the girls up and added 20w of 2700k for a total of...23w of 6500k and 43w of 2700k for a grand total of 66w!!...i have planned to add 46w of 2700ks ( 3 more bulbs ) tom. Night when they wake up again...just have to get two more Yconnectors...and readjusted fan to give ladies little more air...they are lookin good...adding veg nutes in 2 or 3 days...


Well-Known Member
Cfls can get hot in you box, just put a little fan in there and put an exhaust port in other side. I run my lights at night because it cooler and in winter it keeps them warm. The extra power strip is a good idea, that way you get better space between the y'


Active Member
I run my lights at night aswell so I dont play with them much during the day...i have fan in there now...just would feel better with a second one...posting more pics of updated setup in roughly 2 hours...when they wake up...your 2cents and advice on them would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Roofwayne, I am older so feel I should sign my It makes it personal,idk I check later for you


Well-Known Member
yea I would add a few more cfls to the party, more light will get you more growth... and that's something we all like to see.


Well-Known Member
I think you looking good, a littler fan so you can blow across the plant to make them stronger. The one you are using will remove heat well, do you have a exhaust port at the top to let the heat out? Plant look dry. The plants are smallish, that why you add veg nutes to help them grow. They grow when they hit a certain point. I will you


Active Member
I think I am goin to stop at 6 cfl's...i will switch up fans when I get a small one and I think I will take ur advice and make a hole on top tote...plan on using veg nutes tom. In next u really think they are small for 2 1/2 wks?


Well-Known Member
No they are not small for 2 1/2 weeks. I was talking about in 12/12 from seed plants seem smaller than other ways of growing and then will grow big really fast... rw