Rubbermaid Auto BlueBerry Grow of Doom


Active Member
Well you have plant experience of another sort so you have a SERIOUS leg up on most beginning cannabis growers, many things some novice growers would have to ask or wonder should come obvious too you, but some things you will have to learn by experience. If you really want to follow a schedule for you first grow may I suggest going to your local library or if necessary bookstore and find the book "see more bud's" now the amount he harvested in the book is based on his technique some debatable evidence and a isolated strain but the basics and the light schedule is spot on if you would like a template.


Well-Known Member
Well you have plant experience of another sort so you have a SERIOUS leg up on most beginning cannabis growers, many things some novice growers would have to ask or wonder should come obvious too you, but some things you will have to learn by experience. If you really want to follow a schedule for you first grow may I suggest going to your local library or if necessary bookstore and find the book "see more bud's" now the amount he harvested in the book is based on his technique some debatable evidence and a isolated strain but the basics and the light schedule is spot on if you would like a template.
Yeah I'm familiar with the basics and some more slightly advanced things, like wire training, grafting, substrates, and trimming. But knowing how some plants are sensitive to their substrates, lighting, altitude, water schedule and moisture, I like having a round-a-bout idea on what to do. But wandering around ROI for a month and a few sites here and there has given me most of that info. A book with more info definitely wont hurt either, so thanks for the recommendation.


Well-Known Member
Daily update. Still doesn't need water. Judging by the moisture a inch or more down, she will probably need water in a day or two. But over all, growing nicely.

Day 8


seamore green

Active Member
So far so good! I started my perpetual that the first girl is the same age as yours! Nirvana's "short ryder". We'll see who's finishes first! :bigjoint: sub'd

The Freebird

Active Member
Looks good sevren! nice a green, and doesn't look like its stretching at all. Sub'd up man I'm new to growing cannabis myself.:weed: Good luck!


Well-Known Member
looks healthy man keep it up
Will do, thanks.

Looks good sevren! nice a green, and doesn't look like its stretching at all. Sub'd up man I'm new to growing cannabis myself.:weed: Good luck!
Yeah, I'm very pleased that she is not stretching. Thanks!

Looking good bro. I hope this turns out great for you. Respect man.
I'm hoping this turns out well as well! Thank you.

Another day, another small update. Temps still hanging around 77-80 depending on when the closet door is open. More then likely going to water tomorrow, still moist if you go further down then an inch and a half down, so I'm thinking she could use a light shower.

Day 9



Well-Known Member
From what I've read, you can clone auto's, but auto's are engineered to die after they flower. So by the time the clone is done vegging and starting to flower, it may never produce anything before it dies the same time the mother plant dies.


Active Member
Yup pretty much, technically one could clone an auto but there is no point. Considered a breeder batch for future seed?


Well-Known Member
Small update. She was watered today, bout 1/3 of a gallon. Though I found it quite interesting, when talking to her ( for CO2 purposes) and testing her soil for moisture I noticed she is starting to put out a bit of a skunk odor. I guess in the coming week or 2 I will have to build a carbon filter. Good thing I got a new fan on the way for the exterior.

Day 10



Well-Known Member
Small update. She was watered today, bout 1/3 of a gallon. Though I found it quite interesting, when talking to her ( for CO2 purposes) and testing her soil for moisture I noticed she is starting to put out a bit of a skunk odor. I guess in the coming week or 2 I will have to build a carbon filter. Good thing I got a new fan on the way for the exterior.

Day 10

Looks good dude

Im flowering 2 autos at the moment and its not that smelly. i'd leave things be u got a good thing going.

Cheap co2 production with warm water/yeast/sugar will make a significant differences. talking to your plant will not


Well-Known Member

Day 10

Looks good dude

Im flowering 2 autos at the moment and its not that smelly. i'd leave things be u got a good thing going.

Cheap co2 production with warm water/yeast/sugar will make a significant differences. talking to your plant will not
Hah I always heard it was helpful to talk to your plants for CO2. I guess it doesn't really help in this situation. I'll have to hunt around ROI this morning and see go about making this co2 production. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks. You saved me an hour or more of digging even though I was already doing so.

So I'm a bit perplexed about this. I know CO2 is heavier then oxygen, and therefore will fall down onto the plants and feed them. But exactly how effective is this with fans going to pull heat and such out of the setup? Will it not just pull all the CO2 you're trying to feed the plants, out of the setup?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
The girls are looking marvelous.

For the CO2 to be effective, it needs to be in a sealed environment. With your exhaust set up you would be just wasting it.


Well-Known Member
The girls are looking marvelous.

For the CO2 to be effective, it needs to be in a sealed environment. With your exhaust set up you would be just wasting it.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I didn't know if there was some major secret involved or if I was being over analytical. So basically, to feed her CO2 in this setup, I'll have to feed her only when the fans are off. I'll have to devise a way to keep it under 85 during this as well. Thanks!

I like this the best juss cause it looks so trippy
Hah, yeah I don't think I'll be going that crazy just yet, but makes for a nice show.