Rubbermaid Auto BlueBerry Grow of Doom


Well-Known Member
Today is Week 7. She received her second flush today. As noted above, she seems to be growing still and may be ready to go in the coming week or 2.

Day 49

That girl is looking amazing!!! Nice buds and branching for sure, how tall is she ?


Well-Known Member
nice man, lookin good, i gotta try some of these auto's.
Thank you sir. I am definitely looking forward to starting my next auto's.

those kolas look amazing for just 6 26watt bulbs. I got 8 42 watt bulbs and my best looking kola is nothing compared to those.
I was shooting for 8 bulbs, but I was worried about heat. I'm just glad it came out the way it did.

That girl is looking amazing!!! Nice buds and branching for sure, how tall is she ?
Yes, I am very surprised how well she is doing. I'd have to say she is about 2.5ft tall, I haven't measured her so I'm not 100% sure. It's funny, I wanted to top her and tie her down, but she grew so fast. When I thought it was time to top her, she was actually starting to flower and my window was gone.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Holy Santa Claus Shit! Your girls colas are huge. Nice job man. I'd rep u for it but I gotta spread some love first. Those things are beautiful man. Respect.


Well-Known Member
She looks beautiful Sevren. Great job man:clap:
Thanks irish.

Holy Santa Claus Shit! Your girls colas are huge. Nice job man. I'd rep u for it but I gotta spread some love first. Those things are beautiful man. Respect.
Yeah her main cola is a pretty decent size, and still going. Makes me wonder if she would of made more the same size had I topped her, but still glad the way things turned out.


I like it! I thought blueberry was supposed to be a finicky plant, if so, then good job! I have 3 auto ak47x auto hindukush seeds I'm gonna try in a couple weeks. Too many on the go right now.


Well-Known Member
I like it! I thought blueberry was supposed to be a finicky plant, if so, then good job! I have 3 auto ak47x auto hindukush seeds I'm gonna try in a couple weeks. Too many on the go right now.
I agree. Just about everything I have read about DP's Auto Blueberry was negative or it didn't come out the way they wanted. Going hermie was usually the culprit or being too sensitive. Course I didn't start seeing all this till after I had bought the seeds. So it was a nice relief when she started to flower and had no extra banana's growing. And has been a pleasant surprise on how well she has grown thus far.


Well-Known Member
Minor update: Today she got her 3rd flush, and after wards got a trich check. To my surprise, I started to see 10+ amber trichs on some of the leaves. I guess she will be coming down in the next day or so.


I agree. Just about everything I have read about DP's Auto Blueberry was negative or it didn't come out the way they wanted. Going hermie was usually the culprit or being too sensitive. Course I didn't start seeing all this till after I had bought the seeds. So it was a nice relief when she started to flower and had no extra banana's growing. And has been a pleasant surprise on how well she has grown thus far.
Less banana more flower I always say LOL
Looks like a friend is taking a few cuttings off my hands so I should have space for the autos next week. He thought I was nuts wanting to use that space for a "illogical" (I quote) size of plant when perfectly good og was readily available right there. Lol it's my garden and I'll farm how I wanna!

As for your trichs... Excellent.Harvest in the air.


Well-Known Member
Man, you have a nice plant and a great smoke is about to hit you as well.
Can't wait to see the dry weight.

Good luck for the final phase ! +rep


Well-Known Member
Great plant buddy! the main cola looks amazing and she's got a nice frost. Nice shots btw ;)


Well-Known Member
WoW, very nice sevren!! cant wait to hear the smoke report.
Thank you very much, Concord. I can't wait to test it out myself.

Man, you have a nice plant and a great smoke is about to hit you as well.
Can't wait to see the dry weight.

Good luck for the final phase ! +rep
Thanks BlackBuddah, I'm kind of eager to see the dry weight myself.

Great plant buddy! the main cola looks amazing and she's got a nice frost. Nice shots btw ;)
Thank you lince. Yeah, I quite enjoy using my canon 7D whenever I can. I had to use the CFL's as its own lighting but hey whatever works.

So another question for all you fine RIU people. I'm going to be using my setup to hang dry my buds, but my question is, should I do it with the CFL's on, or off?


Well-Known Member
Thank you lince. Yeah, I quite enjoy using my canon 7D whenever I can. I had to use the CFL's as its own lighting but hey whatever works.

So another question for all you fine RIU people. I'm going to be using my setup to hang dry my buds, but my question is, should I do it with the CFL's on, or off?
Yes, I thought you were using some good camera, the shots are very good, wish I could get something similar hehe

Lights must be off for drying, they've to be in a dark, fresh and well aerated space to dry properly, and they'll be ready in 5-7 days aprox.

Let us know the wet weight if you have the chance :)